A Nazarene Narrative Gospel.       

A modern English translation of MS Pepys 2498.      

1.   Of the divinity of our sweet lord Jesus
          Christ, God almighty.

Our sweet lord Jesus Christ:      
in his godhead      
was before all creatures,      
for he made all creatures      
through his own sweet might.      
For he is strong and mighty       
through God the father.      

And he, though unchanging in his divinity,       
truly became man       
and gave life and light and grace      
to all mankind for to know God.      
For he, through the law and prophecy,      
was promised to the folk that      
they should believe in God the father.      

But when he came into this world,      
there were many      
who would not receive him.      
Nevertheless, to such as did receive him,       
he gave grace to be God's sons.       
For all who would receive      
of the fullness of his grace,       
are those who believe in him aright.       

Never was there a man       
who hath seen God bodily.       
Therefore God's son became a man       
so as to teach all mankind      
how they could see God spiritually.       

And he came as a man of the lineage       
of saint David and saint Abraham,       
for he was specially promised to them.      

2.  Of the conception of sweet Jesus Christ.  How he
         was conceived.
In the time of King Herod, who was pagan [i.e., an uncon-
verted gentile] and held God's folk in servitude and reigned
in Jerusalem, there was a good man whose name was Zach-
ariah, and his wife called Elizabeth, Aaron's kin.  And she was
barren and passed age, and he was elderly, & therefore they
had engendered no children.

So befell it at a great feast that Zachariah offered incense at
the high altar in the Temple.  And all the folk were [in the
courtyard] without in prayer, and he alone was in the Temple
& besought God for the salvation of the people.  And an angel
alighted and stood at the right half of the altar, & Zachariah
was afraid and had great dread.  And the angel comforted him
and said that the intercessory prayer he had offered on behalf
of the folk had been heard by God, and that his wife would
conceive & bear a son who should be named John, of which
birth he & all the folk would have great joy.  And he said to
him that he would come before him who would save the
people in the Holy Ghost and do so in the virtue of Elijah the
prophet.  For he would be full of the Holy Ghost, even from
his mother's womb, and this would keep him from the likings
[i.e., from the temptations] of this world.  And a great part of
the folk would he turn to God and to the right beliefs of the
patriarchs & of the prophets, and prepare a people conform-
able to God.

Then Zachariah asked how this might be, inasmuch as he was
old & his wife old also and barren.  And the angel answered
him & said that he was the angel who was before God & was
come to greet him & to bring God's tidings, and said to him
that he would be dumb until that it were so befallen, also
mute for he had not believed as he ought to have done.

& all the folk abided Zachariah without and wondered greatly
why he dwelled so long.  And he came out & mute, unable
to speak to them, but they knew full well that he had seen
some manner of thing in the Temple.  And he made them
tokens and signs and went him to his home.

After that Elizabeth conceived and hid herself five months un-
til she was sure that she was with child and that God had
done her this honor.

In the sixth month after she had conceived John, the angel
Gabriel was sent unto the city of Galilee, which was named
Nazareth, to a maiden who was betrothed to a man whose
name was Joseph.  & the maiden's name was Mary.  And the
angel came to her and greeted her, & said that she was full of
grace & God was within her, and that she was more blessed
than any other woman.  And when she heard the angel's
word she was afraid, and she bethought how such a greeting
as this could have come to her.  And the angel comforted her
and said that she had found grace toward God, and that she
would conceive and bear a son who would be named Jesus,
and that he would be called God's son & he would reign in
the kingdom of Israel without end.  And then answered Mary
and said: "How should this be in that I have never fellow-
shipped [cohabited] after the flesh with man?"  And the angel
answered and said that "the Holy Ghost shall alight within
thee and God himself shall overshadow thee.  And therefore
he who shall be borne of thee shall be called God's son.
And know thee well that Elizabeth thy cousin hath conceived
a son in her old age - that six months have passed since.
Believe then that God can do that which he will."  Then Mary
answered and said: "Lo, here am I, God's handmaid; so be it
done to me as thou hast said."

And also forsooth [i.e., of a truth] she conceived God's son,
perfect man in body and in soul, and yet truly God.  & the
angel parted from her then.

& also Mary went out of Galilee into Judah and entered into
Zachariah's house & greeted Elizabeth.  & forthwith as Eliza-
beth heard her voice, also forthwith made the child great joy
in her womb.  And she was full of the Holy Ghost, & began
to cry and worship Mary over all other woman and her child,
& told Mary what were these tidings.  Then Mary responded
& thanked God and said the psalm of Magnificat [i.e., The
Song of Mary] all out, after which Mary billeted with Eliza-
beth three months.  And after that went again to Nazareth.

And after she came again, before Joseph had her espoused, so
perceived he that she was great with child & thought private-
ly to let her go, for that he was righteous & did not want to
have a part in sin.  And as swiftly as he had that thought so
came God's angel to him in a vision & told him that he
should have no dread, for she had conceived by the Holy
Ghost & would have a son who would be called Jesus, for he
would save his folk from sin.  And Joseph awoke and did as
the angel commanded him.

& when the time came that Elizabeth travailed in childbirth,
she had a son.  And all hearing that this was so had great joy.
& the eighth day so came the Jews for to circumcise the child,
& would have named the child Zachariah after his father.  &
his mother answered & said that he should be named John.
And they answered & said there was no one of their kin who
was called by this name.  & made sign to his father Zachariah
what name he would the child to have.  And they sent to him
a leaf from a writing tablet, and he wrote thereon that his
name should be named John.  And all of them marveled
greatly.  & forthwith was he given that name.  & he was filled
by the Holy Ghost & began to thank God Almighty & said:
 "Benedictus dominus Deus Israel" [i.e., "Blessed be the Lord
God of Israel."]  And all who had heard and seen that miracle
throughout Judea thought that the child would be marvelous
and mighty before God, when that he came of age.

& the child waxed & thrived & was comforted by the Holy
Ghost.  And as soon as he had come of age he went into the
desert & dwelled there until the Holy Ghost commanded him
to go and preach the coming of Jesus Christ.
3.  Of the birth of Jesus Christ.
At that time Caesar Augustus, Emperor of Rome, commanded
that all the men of the world should be enrolled, each in the
shire where he lived, and that every man should bring a penny
to the steward of the country, & that he make acknowledge-
ment that he was subject to the Emperor of Rome.  & therefore
Joseph and Mary his spouse who was great with child in Naz-
areth, went unto Bethlehem, so as to appear in his home city,
inasmuch as he was kindred to King David who was of Beth-
lehem, & his wife also. And while they were dwelling there,
so came the time for her to have her child, & was delivered
of her first child, a son.  And she herself wound him in
swaddling clothes & laid him in a creche where an ox & an
ass stood: for in all that house there was no place else to stay
so suitable to lay him down as that.

And awake in the countryside were shepherds keeping their
beasts, & there came an angel from heaven & stood beside
them.  & so sorely afraid were they that they stood astonish-
ed.  & the angel comforted them saying that it behoved them
to witness that Jesus Christ, who would save his folk, was
born in Bethlehem, through whom they & all the folk would
have great joy.  And he told them what token they should
find, that is, to wit, a little child in swaddling clothes & laid
in an ass's creche.  And with that came the angels so glorious
from heaven & showed themselves to the shepherds & praised
God and said: "Gloria in excelsis Deo" [i.e., "Glory to God in
the highest."]

And as soon as the angels were again arisen into heaven, &
having shown themselves to the shepherds, the shepherds
counseled together & proceeded forthwith to Bethlehem
where they found Mary and Joseph and the child laid in a
creche, & they well saw that it was he of whom the angels
had told them.  And they told other folk of the amazing events
which they had heard and seen that night, & thanked God
that he had showed them this great miracle.  And Mary stored
up all these things in her heart.

And the eighth day the child was circumcised, & his name
was named Jesus, as the angel had said ere he was conceiv-
ed.  Afterward, upon the twelfth day, so came there the kings
from the East unto Jerusalem & asked where was the King of
the Jews who was born, whose star they had seen in the east.
And they said they were come to honor him.  Then when King
Herod heard of this, he grew alarmed, & all that were in the
City.  And all the high priests and masters of the Law were
hastily assembled, and they were asked where Christ should
be born.  & they answered, "In Bethlehem of Judea," where
God had so promised through the prophets.

Then Herod called the three kings privately & asked them
when first they had seen the star, & sent them unto Bethle-
hem.  & he told them that they should inquire intently after
the child, and on finding him, they should send him word, &
he would come & do him honor [i.e., pay him homage].  And
after they had heard the king speak, they went themselves
forth toward Bethlehem.  And again the star which they had
seen before in the East shewed itself unto them, & guided
them until that they had come to where the child was born,
and stood over him.  And they who were so led by the star
had great joy, and entered into the house & found the child
& his mother & fell to the earth and honored the child, and
opened their treasure and offered him gold & incense and
myrrh.  And as their thoughts turned again to Herod, so the
angel came to them at night in a vision & said they should
not wend their way back again by him [i.e., not to return to
Herod].  & they returned by another way to their country.
4.  How our Lord Jesus was offered at the altar.  
While Herod was seeking to understand the coming of the
kings, so the day came that Mary should purify herself in the
Temple after the Law of Moses, and offered her child to God
and brought him again to the priests.  Then Mary with Joseph
came unto Jerusalem, & brought her son & offered all that the
poor should.

And there was in Jerusalem a man who was righteous & meek
whose name was Simeon, and he desired the coming of Jesus
Christ in his time.  And the Holy Ghost who was within him,
promised him that he should not die before his having seen
Jesus Christ.  And at this time the Holy Ghost came unto the
Temple, and also Joseph & Mary came for to offer Jesus in the

And then Symeon came & took him bewixt his arms & thank-
ed God and said: "Nunc dimittis, domine, seruum tuum in
pace."  [i.e.,] "Now Lord allowest thy servant to depart in
peace, according to thy word."  Then was there another, an
elderly widow whose name was Anna, that no hour did she
pass from outside the Temple, but served God in fastings and
in supplications night and day.  And well they knew that he
was the Christ, & thanked God openly.  Now had Joseph and
Mary great wonder of the things men said of their child.
Symeon blessed him & said to Mary: "See thou, lady, this
child is come for to reveal the will of many of our folk, &
many shall fall through rejection of him, and many shall rise
through him, and be his banner, against whom men shall
oppose; & his life that thou lovest as thine own, shall suffer
death & passion."  And when Joseph had done all that fell to
him to do in the Temple, they returned again to Nazareth.
5.   How sweet Jesus was exiled.  
Afterward came the angel & appeared to Joseph in a vision
,& said him that he should take the child & the mother & told
him to wait in Egypt until that he should receive word from
him; for which cause that Herod should seek the child so as
to slay him.  And he arose all so swiftly by night, and took
the child & the mother & went to Egypt, and dwelled there
until that Herod was dead.

And when Herod perceived that the kings were returned to
their country, and that in doing so had beguiled him, then he
waxed wrathful, and sent over all his men & did slay all the
children in Bethlehem and in all the county round about who
were less than two years in age, in accordance with the time
when he had inquired of the kings who had seen the star.  But
so soon as Herod was dead, so came the angel to Joseph in
Egypt and told him turn again unto Bethlehem, and said to
him they were dead who sought to slay the child.  And Joseph
dreaded his turning again unto Bethlehem, for it was Herod's
son who now reigned in Judea.  As for the father, in response
to the admonishment of the angel, he led the child and his
mother into Galilee and lived in Nazareth.  And the child
waxed and prospered & was full of the grace of the Almighty
6.   Of the childhood of Jesus Christ. 
And when that Jesus Christ was twelve years old, it so befell
at the feast of Passover that Joseph and Mary went up to
Jerusalem, as they were wont to do each year, and Jesus went
with them.  And when that they should return from the feast
again to Nazareth, the child was left behind in the City.  (But
this they knew not, supposing that the child had been en
route amongst their acquaintances & so they went a day's
journey.)  Then, finding him not, they turned again back to
Jerusalem for to seek the child.  And on the third day they
found him among the masters of the Law, hearing and asking.
And all who had seen him & heard were aghast at his wit &
of his answers.  And then spake his mother to him & said:
"Son why hast thou done us this way?  We have sought thee
with much sorrow."  And Jesus answered: "Wherefore sought
ye me?  Know ye not well that I must be about my Father's
needs [i.e., business]?"  And they understood not what he
said, for he spoke of his father in heaven.  And he came
down from the Temple and went with them to Nazareth.
And his mother held all these things in her heart.  And from that
time forward Jesus shewed his wisdom & his curtesy [i.e., his
kindness] day by day, which made him to be loved of God &
of the folk.
7.   How that Jesus was baptized.  
When John himself had been baptized, he went into the des-
ert [i.e., the wilderness] until he was thirty years old.  And the
kingdom of Jerusalem was then partitioned by the Romans
into four parts.  And came the Holy Ghost & bade him to go
forth for to preach to the folk that they turn them for to re-
ceive Christ, for he was nigh.  And John went all through
the region of the river Jordan and preached that folk should
acknowledge their sins, and they were baptized in the name
of the one who would come after him.  And John's food was
not but ramesones [garlic] and wild-nepes [bryony], & his
clothing was of camel hair, and a thong about his middle.

Then came the religious folk called Pharisees, for to be bap-
tized by him.  And John told them that they should seek re-
pentance, & that they should not put their trust in their kin-
ship connection with those who sometime past were well
pleasing to God: for God might make good men of those also
who have no such hope before them.  And God would not
delay having each man done by him according as he de-
served.  And then asked these folk what they should do, and
how might they be saved.  And John answered them that
they should give alms to the poor for the love of God.  And
also they asked him regarding the publicans [Rome's hireling
tax collectors], what they should do.  And he answered and
said that they should grieve no man nor unjustly find occasion
to wrong any man, but hold each man only to his due.

And then all the folk began to wonder whether John was the
Christ [i.e., the Messiah], and sent Jews from Jerusalem & the
Pharisees and priests and the deacons [i.e., Levitical servants]
to him so as to ask him who he was.  And he answered them
that he was not Christ, nor Elijah, nor a prophet.  And they
beseeched him that he should give some answer to them which
they might convey to those who had sent them.  And to all of
them he said that it was he of whom Isaiah the prophet spake
who would come before Christ to make ready the way.  And
they asked him why he baptized [i.e., immersed or submersed]
the folk if he were neither Christ, nor Elijah, nor a prophet. 
And he answered them: "I," he said, "wash you with the
waters of repentance. But there is another on earth among
you whom ye know not, he who is without peer, & who is
greater and more worthy than I am, who shall baptize you in
the Holy Ghost.  But he shall judge all men just as he finds
them, and he shall mete out to them that which they de-
serve." And in that time came Jesus from Nazareth to the
river Jordan so as to be baptized by John the Baptist.  But
John deferring to him, said that it would better befall him to
be baptized of him, than Jesus of him.  And Jesus answered
& bade him do it, for it was proper to have it done so for the
sake of giving to others a worthy example in all manner of
things & namely in lowliness.

And then John baptized Jesus.  And when he was baptized,
and was in prayer for them who would receive baptism in his
name, so came the brightness of heaven & the Holy Ghost, &
alighted within him.  And the voice came from heaven of
God his father & said to him: "Thou art my dear son, in
whom I am well pleased."

And Jesus then entered into his thirtieth year of age, & as yet
thought men that he had been Joseph's son.
8.   Of the fasting of our Lord Jesus Christ.   
As soon as Jesus had given witness at his baptism, so the Holy
Spirit led him, that he went away from the folk into the desert
[i.e., the wilderness] to be tempted of the devil.  And when he
had been with the wild savage beasts in fasting forty days &
forty nights, then began he to have hunger.  And then came
the devil to him & said: "If thou art God's son, then make
bread of the stones through thine own word."  And Jesus an-
swered him & said that man liveth not by the bread of bodily
substance, but God through his commandments may wholly
sustain man.  After that the fiend took him & led him to a
high mountain, and showed him woods & fields & towns &
all the fair things of this world, & promised him that he
would give him all that if he would fall down and honor him.
Then answered Jesus & said: "Go thou, Satan; for it is written
that man shall honor & serve God only."  Then the fiend took
him & brought him to Jerusalem, & there set him upon a pilar
on high in the Temple, & said to him that if he were God's
son that he alight down from there, for God himself had
promised by David the prophet that his angel should bear him
up over all, that he not be hurt.  And Jesus answered him and
said: "God prevent it that man should tempt him by asking for
help to be saved, but not help himself."
9.  Of the first disciples that Jesus had with him.  
Having been thus in the desert [i.e., the wilderness], Jesus
came again to John the Baptist, & John as soon as he saw him
said: "Lo, here is God's lamb, who taketh away the sin of the
world.  This is he of whom I spake, that a man would come
after me who was before me.  And for the purpose of witness-
ing to him, so came I to baptize him, as the folk & I saw the
Holy Ghost alight within him in the likeness of a white dove;
& that was a token for to know Christ.  And to me he gave
the Holy Ghost when he sent me to baptize.  & therefore I
say that this is God's son."

Another time when John & two of his disciples were standing
together & saw where Jesus went, & he said: "Lo there goes
God's lamb!"  And the disciples went to Jesus and asked him
where it was that he was going.  & Jesus led them to his
abode & harbored them that night; for it was passed the third
hour of the afternoon.

One of those two was Andrew, Simon's brother.  And he
went & sought Simon, his brother, & told him that he had
found Christ, & brought him to Jesus.  And also as soon as he
[Jesus] saw him, he said to him that he was Simon, John's son,
& that he should be called Peter.  And on the morrow Jesus
called Philip, who was their cousin from Bethsaida, & after
which Philip found Nathaniel & told him that he had found
Christ, & led him to Jesus.  & when Jesus saw him he said:
"Thou art a righteous Jew in whom there is no treachery."
And then spake Nathaniel & asked Jesus how that he knew
him.  & Jesus said how that he had seen him under a fig tree
before that Philip had called him.  And then said Nathaniel:
"Master, thou art God's son, & thou art king of Israel."

And Jesus answered him and said: "Believest thou because I
saw thee under a fig tree?  For thou shalt see greater
things than this, for the heavens shall undo [i.e., open] &
God's angels ascending and alighting upon me."
10.   How Jesus made wine of water.
On the third day came Jesus into Galilee, & was led unto a
feast with his disciples where his mother was.  And it so be-
fell that the wine had failed.  And his mother said to him that
they had no wine.  And Jesus said that the hour had not yet
come when he should show his power.  & then said his
mother to the servants that they do all that he told them to
do.  Now there were six jars that the good man & from which
all the men did wash, each of them measuring three gallons.
And Jesus told them take them up and bring them forth to
him.  And as soon as the good man had drunk thereof, he
called the butler to him and said: "Every wise man first setteth
forth the best wine, & when the men be drunken from that
then they set forth that which is less worthy.  & thou hast kept
back the best wine until now."  This was the first miracle
which Jesus had performed.  & for that his disciples believed
in him.
11.   What Jesus did when first he shewed himself.
After that Jesus went with his mother & with his disciples into
Capernaum & dwelled there awhile.  And also soon, to attend
the feast of Passover, he went him up to Jerusalem, & came
within the Temple and found there men selling oxen & sheep
& pigeon for the offering.  & he saw sitting there money-
changers for to make change.  And Jesus made scourges of
cords & drove them out of there with their beasts, & poured
out their money & threw over their tables.  As for those who
sold the pigeons, he told them go away, and that they make
his Father's house no more an house of merchandise.  And
his disciples recollected that it was written that the zeal he had
for this house would Christ's flesh consume.  And the Jews
saw how they responded to him, and then asked him what
token he could show them & where had he learned that he
had the power [i.e., the authority] to act as he did.  And Jesus
answered them and said that if they destroyed the Temple he
would make it again on the third day.  And the Jews an-
swered him again & said that the Temple was in the making
six and forty years, & that they could not believe he could do
it, much less swiftly make it again.  But they understood him
as referring to the Temple made of stone, whereas he spoke
with regard to the Temple of his own body.

And as he was there at the feast of Passover many believed
on him for the sake of the marvelous deeds which he did.
But he placed not his trust in them, for he well knew their hearts
and their thoughts.

Now there was a prince of the Jews, a Pharisee, a man by the
name of Nicodemus.  & he came by night to Jesus & said to
him that he well knew that he had come from God, for no
man could do the miracles which he did if God were not
with him.  And Jesus said unto him that he must believe more
than this, for no man will gain entry to heaven's bliss except
by baptism in water and except through the Holy Ghost by
being born another time.  And as Moses raised up an adder
in the wilderness for to save the folk, so must it be that he is
raised on a cross, that all who believe would be saved.  For,
he said, God so loved the world he sent forth his son into the
world that all who believe in him would have life without
end.  The reason why God sent his son into the world was not
to condemn it, but he sent him forth in order to save it that
whoso believed in him would never be condemned.  And
whoso believed not in him shall be condemned soon enough,
inasmuch as he believed not in God's son.  And this is the
cause for judgment, that God sent him as light into the world
& the folk loved darkness more than light, for their deeds
were wicked.  & whoso doeth evil favoreth darkness rather
than light, that they not be apprehended.  And whoso doth
well, he cometh boldly unto the light.  & whoso doth so, it
seemeth well that such be with God.
12.   How John bade Jesus Christ come again.
After that Jesus came into Judea with his disciples & baptized
the folk there.  & John in another part also baptized the folk.
And then came the Jews to John's disciples & said that Jesus'
baptism was better than was their's.  And they [John's
disciples] came to John & told him that he whom he baptized
in the river Jordan baptized in Judea, and all the folk were
leaving their baptizing and went to his.  And John answered
them & said that they knew well what he had told them be-
forehand often enough, that he was not the Christ but he was
sent before him, & said that Jesus was as the spouse [i.e.,
bridegroom] & he came as his friend [i.e., best man], & that
he had great joy that Jesus was more exalted than he.  For it
was fitting that Jesus must wax & that he wane.  For as much
as what there is between heaven and earth, so much was the
difference between them.  For God his father had given him
the Holy Ghost without measure, & all things he had in his
power.  And therefore whoso believed in him he should have
life without end.  And whoso believed not in him he should
not see the bliss that lasts for ever, but God would evermore
be wroth [i.e., forever angry] with him without end.
13.   How Jesus left Judea & went into Galilee.
Afterward John the Baptist came & reproved Herod, the king,
of all his wicked deeds which he had done, & namely that he
had left his brother, Philip, bereft of his wife & had himself
espoused her.  And Herod had him named in an indictment
& had him bound & cast him into prison.  And all who were
of his court were much opposed to John the Baptist, & had
slain him in haste but they much dreaded [i.e., feared] the
folk.  And especially Herod's wife was ever waiting for the
opportunity to slay him, but she could not approach him in-
asmuch as Herod kept him always, for that he dreaded him
much - for he knew well that he was a good, holy man &
forsooth [i.e., of a truth] a prophet.

And as soon as Jesus heard that John had been imprisoned &
that the Pharisees were grumbling that he was baptizing so
many folk, then Jesus left from Judea & went unto Galilee.
Now it behoved him to pass through a manner of folk who
were called Samaritans, who were half Jewish, & another half
pagan: so that he came beside a city called Sychar, and he set
himself down beside a well.  And as he sat beside that well,
& his disciples were gone into town so as to buy their food -
for it was nigh upon midday - so came there a woman of the
Samaritans for to fetch water, & Jesus besought her that she
would give him a drink.  & she answered him & said, how
might she give him a drink, allowing that he was a Jew and
she a Samaritan? - for the Jews neither ate nor drank with
them.  And Jesus answered her and said that if she had
known who he were she would beseech him that he would
give her quick [i.e., living] water.  And the woman answered
him that the well was deep and he had not wherewith to
draw water.  And she asked him how he would get quick
water, was he worthier than Jacob the patriarch who made
that well & could do with that water what he would, and let
his beasts drink.  And Jesus answered her and said that whoso
drinks of that water will thirst again at another time; but who-
so should drink of that water that he would give, he will never
have thirst.  And the woman answered him with scorn & said:
"Sir, give me of that water."  Then Jesus told her that she
should fetch her husband & come again.  & she said that she
had no husband & Jesus answered her and said that she spoke
truthfully, for she had had five husbands & he that held her
now was not her husband.  And quickly she changed the sub-
ject & said: "I well see that thou art a prophet.  Now tell me
whether it is better for to worship here, over upon mount
Gerizim, as our ancestors did, or over in Jerusalem?"  And Je-
sus said to her that the time was coming when man would
need give no further regard either to the one or to the other,
but men would honor God & the Holy Ghost in all places.
Then answered the woman & said she knew full well that
Christ [i.e., the Anointed One, the Messiah] would come soon
& that he would make wise and teach all what they should
do.  And Jesus said that this was himself.

With that came his disciples from the city, & had great won-
der that he spake with the Samaritan; but none of them asked
what he asked of her.  And she left there her bucket & went
her to the city, & told the folk there that she had found a man
who had told her all about her deeds which she had done in
private, & besought them to go forth for themselves to discern
whether it were Christ or not.  Meanwhile his disciples be-
sought him to have something to eat.  And he answered them
that he had such food to eat as they knew not of.  And then
they asked each other if any man had brought him anything
to eat.  And then he told them that his food was wholly to do
the will of God who had sent him to earth.  And then came
the Samaritans to him and many believed in him through the
testimony of the woman & besought they him to enter into
their city.  And he entered and dwelled with them two days.
& many believed in him because of his sermon [i.e., his mes-
sage] & said to the woman: "Now we believe not because of
thine word, for we have seen for ourselves & heard that he is
truly a prophet and savior of the world."

And the third day Jesus went out of the city and came into
Galilee, & said that every prophet is less honored in his own
country than in other strange countries [i.e., foreign lands].
And on account of the miracles that they had seen him do
there & at the Passover [feast] in Jerusalem, so was he receiv-
ed by the folk of the region.
14.   How that Jesus healed the Provost's son.  
Afterward came Jesus unto Cana, Galilee the place where he
had made wine of water.  And the provost's [i.e., an high of-
ficial's] son was sick at Capernaum.  And when this high of-
ficial had heard that Jesus was coming into Judea, he came to
Jesus and besought him to go unto Capernaum to heal his son.
And Jesus reproved him and said that they would not believe
in him except if they see him do miracles.  And the provost
besought him to swiftly hasten himself & go forth with him
ere that his son were dead.  And Jesus answered him and said
that his son was whole and strong.  And, believing that which
Jesus told him, he set forth.  And as he approached Caper-
naum, his subordinates came to meet him and told him that
his son was whole and healthy.  And he asked what day was
it when his son was healed.  & they answered him and said
that at the midday hour.  And then he understood full well
that it was the selfsame hour when Jesus said he was healed.
And from that time forward he believed in Jesus, and all his
15.   How that Jesus preached from the ship of Peter
           the Apostle.
So then came Jesus unto the sea of Tiberias, and many folk
showed up to hear his sermon [i.e., to take in his message].
And there were there two ships anchored beside each other
on the water, and the fishermen had gone out of them for to
wash their nets.  And Jesus entered one of the ships, which
was Simon's father's [or Simon Peter's?], and besought him
that he steer the ship a little from the land.  And so he sat in
the ship and preached to the folk.  And when that he had
finished his sermon, he bade them steer the ship into the
deep and to lower their nets.  And Simon answered him and
said that they had travailed all night & had taken naught, but
upon his word they would lower in their nets.  And as soon
as he had thrown in his net, he took so many fish that his net
nearly broke.  And he called James & John who were Zebe-
dee's sons, and were Simon's fellow laborers.  And they came
forth to help him and filled both ships so fully that they were
at the point of sinking.  And when Simon saw this, he fell to
his knees before Jesus & besought him that he be allowed to
leave the boat inasmuch as he was sinful.  And all of them
were aghast at the taking of the fish.  And Jesus answered and
said to Simon: "Have no dread [i.e., fear not]: for he should
fish after men from that time forward.  And they also swiftly
brought their ships to land and left all that they had & follow-
ed Jesus for awhile.  And so then they returned again to their
trade, even until Jesus should call upon them another time.
16.   How that Jesus came unto Nazareth. 
So then came Jesus unto Nazareth where he was nourished
[i.e. where he had been raised].  And he arose on a Sabbath
in the synagogue and read a lesson from Isaiah the Prophet
pertaining to the godliness of Christ.  And he told them that
it was of he himself of whom the prophets had often spoke.
And they well granted this and bore him good witness and
beheld indeed his fair bearing and had great wonder at his
sweet [i.e., gracious] words, and yet said among themselves:
"What!  Is this not Joseph's son?"  And Jesus answered them
and said that they might then suggest that he do in the city the
devil's own craft [i.e., handiwork] as he had done in other
places; but he said this he could not do: for indeed no proph-
et is as much honored in his own country as he is in strange
countries [i.e., in foreign regions].  And thus the prophets of
old revealed themselves to strangers in a manner otherwise
than they did to their own folk.  For Elijah the prophet was
sent not to any widow of Israel when the hunger [i.e., famine]
lasted more than three & a half years, but to a widow who
lived amongst the pagans in the land of Sychar, that she might
get relief by him; nor did Elisha the prophet heal any leper
in Israel, except Naaman who was a pagan and a Syrian.  And
when they heard this, all of them waxed wrathful and rose up
& cast him out of the town, and led him up a steep slope of
a high mount and would have tumbled him down it.  And
Jesus passed through them and went on his way from them.
17.   How that Jesus called Peter and his fellows.
Then Jesus left Nazareth and he went to Capernaum & began
boldly to preach and to teach men to repent of their sins, &
said that the bliss of God was nigh them that would believe
steadfastly in the coming of Jesus Christ.  And then Jesus
came walking by the sea of Tiberias, and saw Simon's father
and Andrew his brother fishing in the sea.  And Jesus called
them to him and said to them to come and follow him, and
he should make them fishermen to fish after men.  And they
also immediately followed him, and left their boats and their
nets.  And as Jesus went a little further ahead, he saw James
& John his brother with Zebedee, their father, dressing [i.e.,
mending] their nets, & he called them.  And they also imme-
diately left their nets and their father with their servants and
followed Jesus.
18.   How that Jesus cast a fiend [i.e., a demon] out ofa man.
After that entered Jesus with them into Capernaum, & came
unto the Temple upon a Sabbath.  And he began to preach
such that all the folk thereof had great wonder.  Now was
there a man among them who had a fiend [i.e., demon] within
him.  And the fiend began to cry, & asked Jesus if he were
come for to cast him away and other fiends out of the land
ere their time had come, and said that he knew well that he
was Christ.  And Jesus commanded him that he hold himself
still.  And the fiend fled from the man right away, & all
who saw it were astonished.  And tidings of this went all
about the country.

And then Jesus went out of the synagogue and he came to
Peter's house with James and John.  And Peter's wife's mother
was there in a strong fever, & all of them besought aid for her.
And Jesus held her by the hand and made her whole, & she
arose up immediately & went and served them.

And as soon as the sun was gone to rest, so all the sick & the
dumb & the blind & afflicted men abounding in that city
came unto Jesus.  And he touched them and they were all
whole.  & the fiends whom Jesus chased off before him so
cried & said, certainly he was God's son.  And Jesus com-
manded them to be still and to leave off their crying, & that
they not make this known.

And in the morning Jesus went privately into the desert to
worship and pray.  And Peter went to seek him with his fel-
low disciples, and told him that all the folk were waiting for
him.  And then came Jesus again to the folk.  And when the
folk found him, they would have held him with strength [i.e.,
they would have compelled him] that he would not get away
from them.  And Jesus said to them that it behooved him to
preach in other cities as well as there, & he went forth
preaching and chasing the fiends from before him throughout
all the Galilee.
19.  How that Jesus chased away six thousand & six
          hundred and sixty & six fiends, and afterward
          he passed over the sea.
When Jesus saw so great a press of folk following him, he
commanded his disciples that they should go & pass the sea
of Tiberias toward the county of Galilee in Gerasa.  And as he
made towards the ship, a scribe said he should follow him
whither so he were to go.  And Jesus answered him & said
that he had no place of his own for to go to.  "For," he  said,
"the birds have their nests & the foxes have their holes, and
I have not a habitation where I may rest my head."

And then to another scribe Jesus spake & bade that he should
follow him.  And he answered & besought Jesus that he might
go first and bury his father.  And Jesus answered him & told
him let the dead men bury the dead bodies, and that he go
forth to preach the bliss of God.  Another scribe there was
one who said that he would serve Jesus, but he besought him
that he might go home & order his things and his house.  And
Jesus answered him and said that no man should put his hand
to the plow and look behind him; for this would not be a
thing conformable with the bliss of God.

And when Jesus came to the ship with his disciples it was
nigh upon evening time.  And Jesus' ship went forth with
other ships over the water, and swiftly there arose a strong
storm on the water that left all the ships nigh full of water and
at the point of floundering.  And Jesus was then asleep in the
back of the ship's oriole [i.e., portico].  And his disciples
came to him and awoke him, and besought him that he save
them, that they were near to perishing.  And then Jesus asked
them where then was their faith?  And then were they all sore
afraid.  And forthwith Jesus commanded the wind and the sea
for to be still and that it blow no more; and soon it was still.
And all the folk marvelled greatly that the wind and the sea
were so still and bowed so to his will.

And as soon as he had arrived on the land, so came two
afflicted by fiends [i.e., demoniacs] out from amongst the
graves, proud & quite stout, so that no man durst pass on
account of them, for their was no place that could hold them.
And always these two demoniacs stood in the crevasses of the
rocks, crying out and yelling and beating themselves against
the hard rocks.  And as soon as they saw Jesus, they ran up
to him and fell down & worshiped him, and charged him on
God's behalf that he not drive them out of the country.  And
also the fiends besought him that he not drive them to hell -
for he bade them begone.  And the fiends besought him that
he not torment them any more.  And Jesus then asked them
how many were there.  And the fiends answered and said that
they were a legion.  (A number amounting to six thousand
and six hundred and sixty and six.)  And they beseeched him
that he would suffer them to enter into the swine which were
grazing there on the mountain.  And Jesus so granted.  And
then they entered within the swine, and immediately they
leapt up and ran and drowned themselves in the sea, well
over two thousand of them.

And when the herdsmen saw this they fled to the city and to
the towns thereabout, & told the tidings of this occurrence
which had taken place regarding the fiends and of the swine.
And then came all the folk running to Jesus and found a de-
moniac sitting at Jesus feet, clothed and altogether whole.
And they were all amazed at this, and all of them besought
him that he would go his way far out of that country, so much
did they dread him.  And Jesus went him into the ship, and
them who were healed and altogether whole [i.e., delivered
altogether] of their affliction, besought him that they might
follow him.  And Jesus bade them dwell and abide and tell
the folk of the country how they were delivered of the legion
of the fiends.  And they went over all the country and told
how Jesus had healed them.  And when Jesus came unto
Galilee all the folk came to him, for they had greatly longed
for his coming.
20.   How that Jesus saved a man who was paralytic,
           and called Matthew to himself.
Then came Jesus unto Capernaum and preached in a house. 
And there came so much folk and so many scribes and so
many Pharisees and set round about him, that none could
come to him.  And with that came four men and brought a
sick, paralytic man in a bed [i.e., on a pallet], and would have
brought him in and laid him before Jesus.  And when they
saw that they could not enter on account of the folk and for the
press such as it was, they clambered up on the house top and
unpacked it and made a great gap, and through the rafters of
the house they let the paralytic down before Jesus.  And Jesus,
when he saw their faith, he said to the paralytic that his sins
were forgiven.  And the scribes said that he had committed a
misdeed [i.e., had blasphemed], for what he did that fell not
except to God to do, and that was to forgive sins.  And Jesus
understood immediately what they were thinking and asked
them why they thought evil.  Wherefore which was done
more lightly: to forgive him his sins or save him from his evil?
"And that ye would well know," he said, : that I have power
on earth to forgive sins, Arise up," he said to the paralytic,
"and take thy bed and bear it home with thee."  And
immediately he rose up and took his bed before them all and
carried it home.  And he and all the folk thanked God who
had given Jesus such power.

And then Jesus went forth by the coast of the sea, and all the
folk followed him, and then he began to preach to them.
And as he came again by the town, he saw a man joining a
vat, whose name was Matthew Levi.  And Jesus bade him
cease.  And immediately [he left] off altogether and went with
Jesus, and made him a great gathering of folks in his house.
And many publicans [i.e., Roman-hired tax collectors] and
other sinful men came & ate with Jesus and with his disciples.
And the scribes and the Pharisees came and asked of Jesus'
disciples why was it that he ate with such folk.  And Jesus
answered & said that he came to call sinful men to repent &
not men who were righteous.  For why make whole the man
who hath no need of a physician but seek out instead the
man with something the matter, for God would rather have
pity and mercy than vengeance.

Then came the disciples of John the Baptist, and the Phari-
sees, who fasted, and asked why Jesus' disciples fasted not
even as they did.  And Jesus answered them and said that it
was not fitting that the fellows who were at the bridal feast
should fast while the feast lasted, but the time would come
when the bridal feast should conclude & then should they
fast.  And the other half of that he had to say to them was that
no wise man would repair old clothes out of new cloth, the
reason for which being that the new cloth would tear the old
& then were it for the worse.  No wise man doth mix the new
wine with the old lees, for both of them would be lost [i.e.,
would perish].  No man that has good old wine would drink
of the new wine, for the old they like better.
21.   How that Jesus raised a maiden from death to
           life & healed a woman.
And then after Jesus had spoken thus so came there a prince
[i.e., a ruler] who was named Jarius, & fell on his knees at
Jesus' feet & honored [i.e., worshiped] him & besought him
that he would come & touch his daughter who was then nigh
unto death.  - & he had no child but one.  And Jesus arose
up immediately and went with him, and his disciples
followed him and great was the press of folk with them, in-
cluding a woman who had a bloody flux for twelve years
(and according to the Law of old [i.e., the venerable Law]
should not have come into the city among men).  And this
woman had spent all that she had on physicians, and she was
not but worse.  Thus it happened that this woman came
among the press [i.e., the throng] of folk & touched Jesus'
garments, for she said to herself that if she could but touch
the skirts of Jesus' mantle she should be made whole.  And
Jesus stopped and asked who had touched him.  & none
amongst them all would acknowledge it.  & Peter answered
& said that it was a great wonder that he would ask who had
touched him, given all the folk then pressing in on him &
nigh upon him.  And Jesus said he well knew that someone
had touched him, because virtue had gone forth from him
with which to heal someone.  And Jesus stood still & beheld
who it was.  And the woman, when she saw that she could
not escape, she quaked & fell on her knees at Jesus' feet and
cried to him for mercy & so told all the folk, informing them as
to what had transpired.  And Jesus bade her go in peace, for
her true faith had saved her.

And when Jesus had thus spoke, so came the princes' sub-
jects and told them that his daughter was dead, and that he
should trouble Jesus no further on her account.  And Jesus,
when he heard this, bade him that he be not fearful, but that
he believe steadfastly that he can heal her, & that he would
save her.  And when Jesus came into the princes' house, then
he found the maiden dead, & the folk weeping & wailing on
account of her death.  And Jesus told them that they should
weep not, by reason that she was not dead.  And all of them
scorned him.  Then Jesus drove them all out of the house, &
took the father & the maiden's mother & Peter & James & his
brother, & came in where she lay.  Grasping her by the hand,
he said aloud: "Maiden, arise up."  & right away she arose up
& came forth.  And Jesus then commanded that they should
give her to eat, for she was twelve years old.  And Jesus strict-
ly charged them to tell no man.  But for naught for the wo-
man went & told all the country regarding what had happen-
ed to her.
22.   How that Jesus healed two blind men.  
And as Jesus proceeded forward, so he came upon & met two
blind men; & they cried out for mercy from Christ.  And when
Jesus came to his home, they came before him.  And Jesus
asked them whether they believed he could heal them: & they
said, "Yes."  And Jesus answered them & said, truly according
to their faith so be it done.  & they saw immediately.  And
Jesus charged them sternly that they should go & tell no man:
but they went forth & spoke of this all over the country.  And
so soon as they were gone, so was there presented to him a
dumb man who had a fiend within him.  Upon his working
a cure, the folk had great wonder, and said that there was not
in Israel anything like this seen.  But the Pharisees said that he
drove away fiends through the power of Beelzebub, their
23.   How that Jesus was despised in his own country.
So then Jesus went unto his own country, to Nazareth, with
his disciples, and preached in the towns thereabout.  And the
folk had great wonder regarding his wit and regarding his
works, & began to speak among themselves & said: "What!
Is this not Joseph's son, the carpenter, & Mary's?  And the
men & the women of his kindred, are they not all sitting here
among us?"  & thus did they say & thus did they scorn him
among themselves.  And Jesus answered them & said that
prophets were not without honor save in their own country,
& namely by those who should have been their friends &
their acquaintances.  And thus were they so unbelieving that
he could not heal there but a few, & that was through the
touch [i.e., the laying on] of hands.  And they all marvelled
at what Jesus had to show them.
24.   How that Jesus chose his twelve disciples.
Afterward Jesus went preaching over all the country of Gali-
lee.  & so many were the folk who followed him from all of
the lands round about, & so many were the sick who were
brought to him that they were not all able to come to him.
And then went Jesus upon mount Tabor to pray, and all night
he remained there in devotion.  And upon the morrow he
called his disciples to him & he chose there the twelve
apostles.  And James and John he called his Boanerges (which
is as much to say "sons of thunder").

And when he had chosen the twelve apostles & had them
named, he delivered to them the ten commandments of the
renewed law - not through duress, but by way of promise -
& said: "Blessed be ye poor of spirit; for unto such is the bliss
of heaven. Blessed be the meek: for such shall inherit the
land.  Blessed be ye who weep: for ye shall be comforted.
Blessed be ye who desire righteousness in food and drink,
for such shall be filled [i.e., they shall be satisfied].  Blessed
be ye who have been merciful: for such shall have mercy.
Blessed be ye who have clean hearts: for such shall see God.
Blessed be ye who love peace: for ye shall be called God's
sons.  Blessed be ye who are shamed & harassed for the sake
of righteousness: for to such is the bliss of heaven."

And when he had thus spoke, he turned to direct his words
to the apostles and began to teach them, and said what they
should be, & said that they should be more profitable and
skillful than any of the scribes and the Pharisees of the vener-
able Law [the Law of old]: by reason of their being the light
of the world who should teach all others, & be self-governing
& wise.  And when Jesus had taught them about the works
which are profitable - what they should do, & the under-
standing which they should have in their believing, & how
they should flee the false prophets who would subjugate them
- then Jesus went down with them to the folk who abided
[i.e., who were waiting for] them in a fair plain.
25.   How that Jesus healed and made well all that
           came to him in the plain.
When Jesus came amongst them in the plain, the folk sur-
rounded him all about to hear him speak, & for to be healed
& made well by him: for virtue so came from him that all
were healed who touched him.  And then began Jesus to re-
hearse [i.e., to recite] the ten commandments & the sermon
which he had preached to his apostles shortly before, and
said that it behooved them to be of more steadfast faith than
were they of the venerable Law, [the Law of old] and that
they must love their enemies, and be of good mein and long
suffering in all things, and do to every man as they would that
men do to them.  And he said that at all points they must be
such that unbelieving folk would not take from them a wicked
example, & that they show forth their faith through deeds &
not through words alone.  And at the end he said, that they
which do according to that which they heard from him should
never be overcome, no more than a house that has a good
foundation would fall down due to wind or flood: but that
which hath a false foundation, it will not weather the tempest
but founder and collapse altogether.
26.   How that Jesus healed a leper of his malady.  
When Jesus had ended his sermon [i.e., his discourse] he
went down & joined with the folk heading toward Caperna-
um, so came there a leper & did him homage & fell down
before him on his knees and said: "Sir, if thou wilt, thou
might make me whole."  & Jesus touched him & said: "I will.
Now be cleansed."  And immediately he was entirely whole.
And Jesus bade him tell no man that he had healed him, but
that he go to offer the offering which is commanded that they
should offer who are healed to be clean.  And he went forth
and spoke all over the country how that Jesus had healed
him, and this caused so many folk to come to Jesus that he
could no longer enter into the city on account of the great
press of the folk: but he had to stay without in deserted
places.  And yet there came more & more folk on all sides of
him, but many times he would get away from them in the
wilderness so as to worship his father in heaven.
27.   How that Jesus healed a centurion's servant.
One time when Jesus entered Capernaum, there came a great
officer of a hundred pagan [i.e. gentile] officers, who had
there a sergeant who was smitten with the palsy, and the
officer besought the most honorable Jews of the city that they
would beseech Jesus on his behalf, to help his servant, for he
was well loved and dear.  And so they came to Jesus &
earnestly besought him that he would heal the centurion's
servant.  And they said to him that it would be well worth
doing so inasmuch as he loved much the folk, & that he had
constructed a synagogue [i.e., a place of assembly].  And Jesus
answered them and said that he would do it gladly, & he
went thitherward.  And when Jesus came nigh to the house,
the constable sent his friends to Jesus, and gave him the
message that he should not trouble himself to come thither,
the reason being that he was not worthy for Jesus to enter his
house.  But were Jesus to say that he [i.e., his servant] were
whole, & then he would know full well that he should be
healed: for others had told him this, and his servant also, and
he fully believed that the illness would pass away and that he
would be healed, if Jesus so commanded it.  And when Jesus
heard this, he turned and said to them who followed him: "I
have not found so much truth in any Jew as there is in this
pagan.  And I tell you that many pagans [i.e., gentiles or the
nations] will come from afar to the bliss of God & shall be
with the patriarchs in rest, & this wicked folk should be
subject to the penalty without end."  And then said Jesus of the
constable to them who were sent to him: "Rightly shall it be
even as he hath believed."  & they returned home & found
the servant healed.
28.   How that Jesus sent his twelve apostles forth to
So then went Jesus through all the cities and through all the
villages, preaching and healing the sick.  And so many were
the folk who were following him that they became as it were
like weary sheep that were overcome along the way.  And
then called Jesus his twelve apostles, and gave them power &
might for to drive away fiends & for to heal all the sick, and
sent them over all, and bade them to go boldly among the
Jews and preach that Christ was nigh: and do so with out any
compensation that they should heal all the folk.  And he bade
them that they take with them neither gold, nor silver nor
other goods along the way, that they take neither bread nor
script nor two tunics or a staff, but only themselves on foot
and a rod in their hand.  And when they come to a city or to
a village, then ask who there were worthy to receive them, &
then go and offer pardon, and there dwell until that they liked
to wend their way hence.  And that they eat and drink such
as men set before them.  And if any men them refuse, then he
told them to wend their way out of that city or out of that vill-
age, & that they should wipe the dust from under their feet
upon their heads in witness of their having received nothing
from them.  And he said to them that Sodom and Gomorrah
should have a softer judgment then they should have who re-
ceived them not. 

And so then Jesus warned them of the pains and torments
which they would suffer for his love.  And he bade them be
wise as a serpent and as simple as a dove.  And at the end he
comforted them and said that whoso had steadfast faith he
would be safe, and that those who received them would also
have good reward even as would those who received himself,
or God Almighty, his father.  And once he had taught them
what should be done, & thus comforted them, he went out all
about the countryside, and preached repentance, and drove
the fiends away, and anointed all the sick and healed them.
29.   How that Jesus raised the widow's daughter from
            death to life.  
Then went Jesus into a city which was called Nain, and his
disciples walked with him and much folk besides.  & as they
came nigh the gate of the city so came a dead body upon a
bier past him, and the folk of the city followed it.  & it was a
widow's daughter, and she had none other than her.  And she
went weeping and lamenting her daughter.  And Jesus when
he saw her weep, had great pity on her, & bade her that she
should weep not.  And he went and touched the bier, &
those who bore it stood still.  & Jesus said to the dead,
"Arise."  And she arose up immediately and  began to speak.
And Jesus lifted her by the hand and betook her to her moth-
er.  & all the folk then were abashed and thanked God.  And
news of that deed went out over all Judea, and all about the

And John the Baptist's disciples, on coming to the prison
where he was, told him of the marvels that Jesus had done,
so as to learn from John whether Jesus was the Christ.
30.   How that John the Baptist sent inquiry to Jesus.
John answered them & said that they might see for them-
selves and hear whether he were the Christ, and bade them
go to Jesus on his behalf & ask him whether he would reveal
himself if he were Christ, or should each man understand this
[title] as belonging to another.

And when they came to Jesus they told him what John had
bade them say.  And then Jesus healed and made well many
who were sick and wounded, & he gave speech & sight to
many who were blind & dumb, & he drove away fiends; &
said to John's messengers that they were to go back again to
John & tell him what they had heard & seen.  "Declare to
him," said Jesus, "that the blind see, the lame go, the leper
hath been cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead rise and live, &
the poor have been chosen to proclaim God's word, and
blessed be they who are not offended by me."

And when that John's messengers were gone, then said Jesus
to the folk about John, that he was not like a reed which
stirreth and waveth with every wind, "nor is he nourished
with delicious food and drink as are other men who be in this
world, nor is he a prophet, but he is more than a prophet,
for he is the angel [i.e., the messenger] whom God promised who
should come & make the way before Christ."  And at the end
he said there never was a greater man born of woman.

And all the more folk were baptized by John when they heard
how he was praised by Jesus, and then they acclaimed God
and thanked him.

But the masters of the Law and the Pharisees who were not
baptized by him, scorned what Jesus had said.  & when Jesus
saw this, he said they were comparable to children who
neither laugh nor wept with their fellows.  "John the Baptist,"
he said, "eateth no bread nor drinketh any wine, and ye claim
that he is mad: and I eat and drink, and ye claim that I am a
gluten and a drunkard, & that I am friend to publicans [i.e.,
Roman-appointed tax-collectors] and to sinful men.
31.   How Jesus converted the Magdalene.  
Then a Pharisee besought Jesus that he might eat with him.
And Jesus entered into his house and sat down to eat.  And
a woman who had seven fiends within her, and was taken in
that city to be a sinful woman, heard tell of Jesus' eating
there.  And she brought a box of ointment and went and
stood behind him, and anointed Jesus' feet, and made all wet
his feet with the tears of her eyes, and wiped them with her
hair, and kissed his feet and anointed them.

And when the Pharisee saw how Jesus permitted her to do
this, to touch him and to anoint his feet, he thought in his
heart that if verily he were a prophet he would know what
sort of women this was, that she was sinful, and would not
have suffered her to touch him so as she did.

And then replied Jesus to that Pharisee, saying, "One thing
have I to tell thee." and the Pharisee, seeking a reply, said,
"Good Master, tell me."  And Jesus then said, "A creditor had
two debtors; one of whom owed him five hundred pence and
the other, fifty pence.  Now neither of them had sufficient
guilders to repay it and he forgave them both their debt. 
Now, I ask, which of them did he love most?"  "I believe,"
responded the Pharisee, "whom he forgave most."  And Jesus
said to him that he had judged aright. 

And then Jesus turned to the woman and began to speak:
"Simon, seest this woman? I entered into thine house and
thou gavest me no water for my feet, and yet she wetted my
feet with her tears and wiped my feet with her hair.  And
thou kissed not my mouth, and yet she, since she came in,
has not ceased kissing my feet.  And thou washed not my
head nor my eyes, and yet she has anointed my feet with
ointment - for which thing I tell you that many sins have
been forgiven her.  And therefore I love her much by reason
that the one to whom most is forgiven is most loved."  And
then said Jesus to the woman that her sins were forgiven.

And those who were seated at the meal thought to them-
selves: "What, is he that he is able to forgive sins?"  And Jesus
said to her: "Go, woman, and be in peace." - for her faith
had saved her.  And she went forth with other women whom
Jesus had healed of their sicknesses and who had followed
him and supported him, spending their own private goods -
Joanna, Herod's steward's wife, and Susanna, and many others
- and they followed Jesus through all the cities and the
villages where he preached.
32.  How Jesus chose for himself sixty and twelve
Afterwards Jesus chose sixty & twelve disciples, & sent them
before him two by two together over all the country where he
would be coming.  And he told them to proceed expeditious-
ly, & to carry neither bag nor script nor hose nor shoes: but to
demonstrate & witness for peace wherever they go; to eat and
to drink what so men give them, and to heal all the sick wher-
ever they find them and without compensation, and to bring
the folk to understand that Christ was near at hand to them. 
And if any city forsook them, then he told them that they
should gather the dust from under their feet, and say that they
would no more receive even their dust, on account of their
not acknowledging their sins & hearing their preaching.

And they should tell them that Christ was nigh at hand, & that
they should know full well that Sodom and Gomorrah will
have a softer judgment on the day of doom than will they.
"For whoso receiveth thee, he receiveth me; and whoso de-
spiseth thee, he despiseth me.  & whoso despiseth me, despis-
eth him who sent me hither."

And then Jesus began to upbraid the cities where he had
preached and done many miracles, for their not repenting -
Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum; & said that if so many
miracles had been done among the pagans [i.e., among the
gentiles], they would have repented, and therefore they would
have a harder judgment than would the pagans.
33.   How that Jesus received his disciples when they
            came to him again.
And soon afterwards all of Jesus' disciples returned to him
again with much joy and told him how that the fiends were
subject to them in his name.  And Jesus said to them that they
should have power to chase away the serpents and the scor-
pions and all manner of fiends in his name, and not in their
own name: but that they should look well to keep themselves
from vainglory.  "Why for," he said, "I saw Satan fall as dust
[or as lightning?] from heaven for his pride.  And if that the
fiends be subject to thee, have not therefore pride nor joy,
but be full of joy that ye have been chosen for the bliss of
heaven by name."  And at that very time Jesus began to call
upon the Holy Ghost and offer graces & thanked God his
father that he had chosen the simple and the low of heart to
show such great things, and not the wise or the great men.
And then he spoke & urged all who were travailing & heavy
burdened that they should come to him & he would comfort
them.  And afterwards he said to his disciples that they were
blessed who could see his works & hear his teachings.  Why,
it was for this that many prophets & kings had desired & yet
it had not been granted them.
34.   How Jesus answered them who asked him which
            was the greatest commandment of the law.
Then there rose up a great master of the Law and asked Jesus
what should he do that he might have life without end.  And
Jesus asked him what commanded the Law that men should
do.  & he answered and said that it commanded that men
should love God over all things in his heart and in his soul
and with all his power and his mind, and his neighbor as
himself.  And Jesus bade him so do & he would have life
without end.

& he [i.e., the master of the Law] asked who was his neigh-
bor?  And Jesus said to him every man, & told him a tale of
a man who went from Jerusalem to Jericho and was taken in
by thieves and despoiled and wounded almost unto death.
And a priest who saw him left him laying there, and a Levite
who came afterwards, also.  But a Samaritan then had pity on
him and set him on his beast and led him to an inn & washed
his wounds with oil and wine & served him that night.  And
upon the morn he took two pense also to the hostler [i.e., the
innkeeper] and besought him to take good care of him until
that he come again, and he would reimburse him anything
more which he had expended.

And then asked Jesus of the master [i.e., the doctor of the
Law] which of all three were the neighbor to him who was
wounded.  & he answered, "he who had pity on him."  And
Jesus told him go & do likewise.  Which is to say, that he
should do to every man as to his neighbor.
35.  How Martha harbored Jesus Christ.  
Afterwards Jesus came unto a village and entered into Mar-
tha's house (Martha's sister being the Magdalene), and she
took pains to put Jesus well-at-ease, and to serve him and
please him as she was wont to do.  But Mary let her do all
her will and she went and sat at Jesus' feet to hear his words.
And then Martha came and stood before Jesus and said: "Sir,
hast thou not noticed that my sister alloweth me to serve by
myself alone?  Bid her to help me."  And Jesus answered her
and said: "Martha, Martha, thou art well busy about many
things and now nothing matters but one thing.  Mary hath
chosen for herself the better part of which she shall not be
36.   How Jesus taught his disciples to pray. 
Then it so happened that Jesus was in prayer, and when he
was finished one of his disciples besought him to teach them
how to make supplication, as John the Baptist had taught his
disciples.  And Jesus told them to recite the Pater noster [Our
Father] earnestly & with good will.  [Then Jesus related a
parable regarding one who turned up at a friend's house past
midnight.]  "And right then came one of his good friends and
besought him for a loaf [of bread] for the coming of some
guests, and beat at the door and cried, and would not let him
have any rest nor let his children sleep.  Even if he would not
do so for love [of a friend], yet so as to be delivered from his
importunity, he will rise up and give him more than he ask-
ed."  Then Jesus said: "Whoso maketh earnest supplication
with open heart, his prayer shalt be heard before God.  For
which cause men who have children, though it may be that
they are themselves wicked, give them of their goods and
contradict them not: and much more shalt thy father in
heaven give to them who beseech him with the good will of
their heart."       
37.   How Jesus excused his disciples when they had
            taken ears of corn upon the Sabbath.
Thus it came to pass at that time that Jesus went upon a day
through the corn [i.e., the standing grain].  And his disciples
being hungry, went before Jesus and took themselves grain
and rubbed the kernels between their hands and ate.  At
which point  the Jews and the Pharisees came and accused
them to Jesus that they had done this on the Sabbath.  And Je-
sus asked them if they had not read in the Book how David,
when he had no other food to eat, ate the holy bread which
no man should eat but the priest.  And on the other hand he
said that priests who serve in the Temple and honor not the
Sabbath have been excused through the dignity of the Tem-
ple.  "And here be something of greater dignity & more wor-
thy than the Temple.  And if that ye understood what the
Scripture saith, that God loveth mercy more than vengeance,
thou wouldst not have condemned the innocent.  For the Sab-
bath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath: and I am
Lord of the Sabbath."
38.   How that Jesus healed the paralytic's hand.  
Upon another Sabbath when Jesus preached in a synagogue,
there came a man before him whose right hand was paralyzed.
And the masters [of the Law] and the Pharisees set a watch to
see whether he would heal any man upon the Sabbath, for
then they could bring accusation against him.  And others
there were asking if any man should heal another on the Sab-
bath.  And Jesus commanded the man that he go and stand in
the middle of the floor.  And he went and did so.  And Jesus
asked them whether men should do good or evil on the Sab-
bath.  & they held themselves still & answered not.  And Jesus
then said to them, which of them was it who would not wash
his sheep upon the Sabbath if it had fallen into a foul ditch.
And yet we should rather help a man than we should a
sheep.  And then said Jesus: "Well do I say that men do good
deeds on the Sabbath."  And he began to look on them right
wrathfully for he was an angered by them on account of their
blindness.  And then said he to the man that he stretch forth
his hand.  And he put forth his hand and instantly it was
made whole.  
39.   How that Jesus healed all who followed him.   
Then the Pharisees and the publicans went and bespoke to-
gether how they might destroy and overcome Jesus.  And then
Jesus went with his disciples toward the sea, as he fled from
them.  And great was the multitude of folk who followed him
on every side.  And there he healed all the sick who were be-
fore him.  And then went Jesus into the ship and set himself
there on account of the press of folk.  And they sat about on
the brink.  And Jesus began to preach and besought them that
they should not tell where  he was.  & the fiends, when they
saw him come, fell to their knees before him and said that he
was God's son.  And Jesus forbade them from revealing this
& threatened them greatly if they did so.
40.   How that Jesus healed the possessed blind man
            who had a fiend within him and drove him out of him.
So then came Jesus into a house, and the folk followed him
and proceeded so much to throng about him that he and his
disciples were unable to eat.  And the disciples felt them-
selves cruelly slighted and ignored on account of Jesus hav-
ing been so busy attending to the folk to heal them.  And they
went out in order to fetch him in.  And Jesus would not cease,
but took a possessed blind man to him, who was also dumb,
and drove a fiend out of him.  And right away he began to
speak.  And all the folk then said that it seemed well to them
that he was the Christ.

And the masters [of the Law] & the Pharisees who were from
Jerusalem said that he drove the small fiends away through
the power of Beelzebub, their prince.  And so he called the
mall together and overcame them with five [fine?] reasons to
show that what they said was not of the truth.

And when they told him that he should show some token up
in the firmament [i.e., a sign in the heavens] and thereby
demonstrate his power to them.  And when Jesus saw that the
folk were aroused to wrath against him, he answered them &
said that they should have no other token than that of Jonah
the prophet.  For just as Jonah was three nights & three days
in the whale's belly and then was cast upon the land, as a
sign to the folk of Nineveh that they should be saved if they
would believe in him; so also should Jesus himself be in an
earthen grave and afterwards arise from death to life.  And
then Jesus said that the folk of Ninevah should condemn them
on the day of judgment for they believed Jonah's preaching
though he showed them no miracles, and yet they believed
not him who did so many miracles: and also should the
Queen of Sheba do so, who was a pagan [i.e., a gentile], for
she came from afar for to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and
yet they would not believe in him who taught them God's
Law in their own country far better than did Solomon.

And he told them also that it should betide them [i.e., come
to pass] even as it betided a man possessed by a fiend, who,
after it was driven out of him, would make no amendment
[i.e., would not change his ways].  For then came that fiend
again to that man and brought with him seven fiends worse
than he was, and they entered into that man with all their foul

And upon saying these words so graciously and so wisely,
there came a woman in a kirtel [i.e., an outer covering] and
all the folk raised high their voices and cried: "Blessed be the
womb which bore thee and the teats which thou sucked."
And Jesus answered them: "But certainly, blessed be they who
hear God's word and keep it."  And as Jesus spoke thus com-
fortingly to the folk, so came his mother with his cousins and
sent him word bidding him to come and speak with her.  And
Jesus answered them who called him, that all they who heard
his words and did them, he loved just as well as his mother
and his other kin.
41.   How Jesus answered the Pharisee who blamed
Then a Pharisee besought Jesus that he come and eat with
him.  And [this invitation] he accepted.  And as he was sitting
down to the meal, the Pharisee thought in his heart that Jesus
trespassed, for as much as Jesus did not rise [for hand wash-
ing?] before that he ate, after the usage of their laws, as they
themselves did.  And Jesus perceived his wicked thoughts &
his hypocrisy, and the wicked example set by the masters [of
the Law].  And he said to them that a harder judgment and
vengeance than was ever exacted since Abel was slain, would
God exact on them for their unbelief.
42.   How that Jesus taught his disciples to flee avarice
            by the example [i.e., the parable] of two brothers.
Afterwards it so befell that the press of folk about Jesus be-
came too great.  And it was then that he began to warn his
disciples openly regarding hypocrisy, that they keep them-
selves well away from it.  And he warned them, and bade
them be bold regarding the persecutions and torments that
the Pharisees would do them on account of their love for him.

And so came one of the folk and besought Jesus that he
would say to his brother that he should give him his half of
their father's heritage [i.e., his inheritance].  And Jesus answer-
ed him and said to the man: "Who maketh me judge and
divider over you?"

To his disciples Jesus said that they should keep themselves
well away from avarice. "For this reason," he said, "no amount
of worldly provision is able to save the life of a rich
man."  And then he told them a fitting parable regarding a
man who had riches and a vast crop of grain one year.  And
he thought to tear down his barn and make it greater, and he
would store therein all his crops together with all his goods.
And that thereafter he would he would rest himself [i.e., to
take his ease] and eat and drink and make feast for many
years to come.  And God said to him at that time:  "Fool, this
very night fiends will fetch thy soul unto hell.  And who shall
then have all that which thou hast gathered?"  And thus shall
it befall all, said Jesus, who hoardeth up unto themselves yet
are not rich toward God.

And then Jesus began to teach his disciples that they were not
to busy themselves about their sustenance [i.e., their worldly
provision], nor about their food, nor about their drink, nor
about their clothing: but that they were to be full of alms-
giving and thus turn away judgment from themselves.

And afterwards he turned toward the folk and admonished
them to judge the time of Christ's coming even as they judged
what was to come by the vault of heaven and by the skies.
"For if that ye see a cloud arise in the west, ye say that it shall
rain: and so betideth it [i.e., so it comes to pass].  And if ye
see the wind turneth toward the south, ye say that it is to be
a heat wave: and so it is.  But why do ye not also judge the
marvels that ye now see? - for such has never come to be
until now.  Now then believe that Christ is come, otherwise
vengeance shall be taken upon you."
43.   How that Jesus admonished the folk to repent,
            using as an example Galileans slain by Pilate.
At that selfsame time there came folk to Jesus and told him
how Pilate had slain a great number of folk of Galilee who
had gone with a false prophet upon Mt. Gerizim and offered
to Jesus their offerings.  And Jesus promised them that when
he would ascend to heaven they would all see it, though Pi-
late came and slew them all.  & then Jesus said, think not
that the men of Galilee were the worst men of that country
even though they had met such a death: but God had allowed
it to happen so as to warn others thereby that they might
amend their ways.  And unless they do so, they shall all per-
ish together; and not only them, but all the folk of Jerusalem.
For which cause, as a warning, God allowed sixteen men to
be over fallen [i.e., cast down] from a tower in Siloam in
Jerusalem, so as to bring about amendment in all the others.

And then as an example for them [i.e., by way of a parable]
Jesus took that of a man who had a fig among his vines which
had borne no fruit.  And he instructed the vinedresser to hew
it up [i.e., to cut it down].  And the vinedresser besought him
to let it remain standing yet another year & to prune it well,
with determination.  And if it bare fruit, that were well: and if
it bore none, he should do away with it the next year.
44.   How Jesus healed a woman who was ulcerated.     
Afterwards it befell on the seventh day that Jesus preached in
a synagogue, and healed a woman having an ulcer, who had
been eighteen winters bent over crooked such that she could
not sit up.  And the masters of the synagogue were scornful
because of Jesus having healed her on the Sabbath.  And they
commanded the folk thereabout that they come six days for to
be healed by Jesus, but not upon the Sabbath.  And then Je-
sus responded, saying to them: "Ye hypocrites!  Which of you
is it who would not unbind his beasts & let them go drink
upon the Sabbath?  And is it not to serve a higher purpose
for to unbind this gentle woman upon the Sabbath whom the
fiend had bound all these eighteen winters?"  And when he
had thus completed what he said, all his adversaries ex-
perienced great shame, and all the other folk had great joy
because of all the things which he did with such dignity.
45.   How Jesus preached through parables from a
So then Jesus went unto the sea.  And there came so great a
press of folk about him that he went and sat down in a ship
and began to teach by way of parable, and he told them that
he was like unto the man who soweth his seeds.  That one
part fell along the way, another upon the stones, another in
the thorns; and that another part fell upon the good land.
Next he told them that he was like unto the man who sowed
good wheat in the field.  And erstwhile when folk were sleep-
ing, so his enemy came and sowed about darnel [i.e., a nox-
ious weed].  And then he told them regarding those who did
this, that they are like the corn which grows night and day
continually until the harvest and yet comes not to be at all

And afterwards he told them that they should be like unto
grain which grew wonderfully tall, though it be little when a

Then he said they were all to be compared to the leaven that
maketh the dough sour and causes it to rise, though it be

Then Jesus' disciples came and besought him that he should
reveal to them these parables.  And Jesus revealed them, and
said that they were blessed that they had grace to understand
his teaching, [but] the folk were not so privileged to under-
stand it.

And then he told them another parable of treasure which was
hidden in a field, and another parable about a precious mar-
guerite [pearl].  & he asked them whether they understood
it as they ought.  And they answered, "Yea."  "And therefore,"
he said, "every wise master [of the Law] betokeneth [i.e., as-
signeth] the weight that ought to be taken out of old things &
new, after the appropriate season.
46.   How that Jesus came another time unto his own
Next Jesus went to his own country, and preached in a syna-
gogue such that they all had great wonder and said amongst
themselves: "What!  Is this not Joseph's son, the carpenter? 
What! & is not Mary his mother?  Be it not that James and
John and Simon and Judas are his brothers?  & his sisters, are
they not here with us?  How is it then that it came to him that
he is thus wise and thus mighty?"  And Jesus answered them
& said that no prophet is so much believed in his own coun-
try as he is in strange countries.  And few miracles did he
there on account of their unbelief.
47.   How the Jews followed Jesus on account of his
            having healed a man on the Sabbath.

Afterwards Jesus went to a feast in Jerusalem.  And it so be-
fell that there was in Jerusalem a cistern which had five porti-
coes, where all of the sick men [i.e., all who were debilitated
or afflicted by infirmity] were laid down having all manner of
illness, and their understanding was that ofttimes the angel
would come & stir the water, as he was wont to do.  And
whoso might come first to the water, after that the angel had
stirred it, he would be healed of whatever manner of ailment
that he had.

Now there was there a man who had lain sick for eighteen
and thirty years.  And Jesus came upon the Sabbath & saw
that he had long lain there sick, & he asked him if he would
be healed of his sickness.  And he answered that he had no
man who might bear him to the water when that it was stirr-
ed: for every day ere he might come to the water so came
there others before him.  And then Jesus entreated him to rise
up and bear his bed with him.  And immediately he was
whole and strong, and rose up and bore his bed [pallet]

And then said the Jews once they learned that he had been
healed at the water, that he should not be carrying his bed
[i.e., his pallet] upon the Sabbath.  And he answered them
and said that he who had healed him, bade him carry home
with him his pallet.  And they asked him whom that was.  And
he could not say as to whom it was.  And afterwards Jesus
found him in the Temple and bade him that he sin no more,
so that no trouble happen to him & nothing worse betide him.
And then he went forth & told the Jews whom had healed him,
that it was Jesus.  And then the Jews pursued Jesus by reason
that he had healed & made whole the sick man upon the
Sabbath.  In response to this, Jesus made an extended reply,
showing them openly why he could well do all things on the
48.   How that Jesus went privately unto the desert [i.e.
            the wilderness] when that he had heard tell that
            John the Baptist had been beheaded by Herod.

So then it came to pass that Herod held a feast in honor of his
own birth with all the great lords of the country of Galilee in
attendance.  And Herod's wife's daughter so tumbled [i.e.,
danced] before the king amidst all the folk, and pleased so
well the king, that he swore that she should have what thing
she besought of him, though she should ask of him half his
kingdom.  And her mother commanded her that she should
ask for nothing more of the king than John the Baptist's head.
And so forthwith she asked for John's head in a dish [i.e.,
on a platter].  And the king became all so sorrowful; but not for
other than the oath & for the noblemen of the land, so let he
his sorrow pass and would not remain dolorous, but com-
manded that John's head be brought to him in a dish [on a
platter].  And she claimed it and gave it to her mother.  And
then came John's disciples and buried his body, and after-
ward came to Jesus and told him how John was martyred.

And the apostles themselves came and told Jesus how that
they had wrought and preached.  And Jesus bade them all to
follow him privately into the wilderness, and that they rest
themselves a little while - inasmuch as they had travailed
greatly, and they had not space enough for to eat on account
of the press of folk.  And Jesus took them all with him and
took them in a ship and passed over the water unto a private
place in the wilderness, and went him up upon a mountain
and sat himself down there with his disciples.
49.   How that Jesus, when he went into the wilder-
            ness, fed five thousand men with five loaves. 
And when Jesus had gone unto the wilderness with his dis-
ciples, the folk espied him from every side, as to which half
[of the country] that he were gone.  And all the folk of that
country hurried about, and brought all the sick men and the
blind and the crooked [i.e., lame] with them.  And he went
down out of that mountain for he had great pity for them;
for they were all, as it were, like sheep by the wayside.  And
Jesus began to comfort them with his sweet [i.e., gracious]
words, and he healed all the sick of their maladies.  And
when it was evening time, his disciples came to him and
urged him that he should let men fetch him food for that day.
And Jesus told his disciples to give the poor men food, and
they answered and said that they had not wherewith for to
give them.  And when Jesus saw that more were coming, then
said he to Philip: "Wherefore might we buy food with which
to feed all this folk?"  - And that he said to prove [i.e., to test]
him, for he well knew what he would do.  And Philip answer-
ed & said that two hundred pennies worth of bread should
not suffice for to part among them, each of them receiving
only a sliver of bread.  And Jesus asked them how many
loaves they had.  And Andrew said that there was a child
who had five barley loaves and two fish, but this was worth
but little among so many folk.  And then Jesus commanded
that they should bring forth the five loaves and the two fishes,
which they did, parting it among the folk by hundreds & by
fifties, and had them sit down upon the grass.  And so they
did.  And Jesus looking toward the heavens said grace [i.e. he
gave a prayer of thanks] to his Father, and blessed the loaves
and the fish and broke them & delivered them to his disci-
ples, and they gave it to the folk.  And when they had eaten
as much as they would, then commanded Jesus that they
gather together that which remained.  And they went and
gathered it, and filled twelve baskets full with the remainder.

And then Jesus commanded his disciples that they all go again
to the ship, and that they return again to Bethsaida while he
sent the folk on their way.  And then they went forth as Jesus
commanded them.  And all the folk, when they saw that Jesus
had fed them so plentifully with so little by way of provision,
they said that certainly he was truly a prophet.  For they well
saw that there were five thousand men, without counting chil-
dren, & without counting women.  And then they spoke
amongst themselves that they would all make him their king
by force.  & meanwhile Jesus was on the mountain to pray.

And it so befell that his disciples were overwhelmed by a
tempest which in no manner could they avoid.  Then, after
night, towards daybreak, Jesus came toward them upon the
waves.  And he made as if he would have passed them by. 
And when they saw him they had such great dread that they
quaked and said it was not but a phantom.  And immediately
Jesus spoke to them and bade them not to be fearful, for it
was himself.  And then answered Peter and said: "Sir, if it be
thee, command that I come to thee upon the water."  And
Jesus bade that he should come.  And Peter started out of the
ship, and went upon the water to Jesus.  And so came a great
wind blast, & Peter was sore afraid & began to sink down.  
And he began to cry aloud to Jesus that he should save him.
And Jesus bade him forthwith to take his hand & to hold him
thereby, asking him why he was sore afraid: & he led him
with him to the ship.  And immediately the tempest began to
cease & immediately the ship was where they wanted to be.

And upon the morrow, the folk whom Jesus had fed thought
to themselves that there was no ship but that ship which Jesus
had brought, and that he had not entered it with his disciples.
And they boarded another ship that had come forth from
Tiberias, and went unto Capernaum seeking to find Jesus.
And when they had found him they asked Jesus how it fared
with him and how it betided him.

And Jesus answered them & said that they sought him not for
his sermon [i.e., not for the sake of his message or his teach-
ings] but rather for him to give them food.  And he told them
they should seek such food as never more should rot [i.e.,
was imperishable].  And they answered and said that their
ancestors had eaten manna in the wilderness when Moses had
led them out of Egypt.  And Jesus said to them that it was not
Moses who gave them manna, but God his Father who gave
it to them.  And he would give them more than that if they
would believe in him, for he would give them his own body
and his own blood.  And if they would eat it and would drink
it, they should have life without end: and without that, they
should never have life without end.  And when Jesus had thus
spoke thereof much, they began to grumble and for to speak,
and asked amongst themselves how it were that he could give
his flesh & blood to eat and to drink. And many of his disci-
ples left him and went away from him.

And then said Jesus to his twelve apostles: "Will ye go from
me?"  And Peter answered him: "Sir, to which other should
we go?" Thou hast a teaching so righteous and word so sweet,
and thou offereth us life without end.  And though we under-
stand not all that thou sayest, we well know that thou art the
Christ, God's son."  And then said Jesus that one of the twel-
ve was a fiend.  And that he said of Judas, who betrayed him.
50.   How that Jesus healed all those who came to
            him in Gennesaret.
In that time Jesus went to Gennesaret.  And this was soon
known by all the folk of that region; & immediately from all
about the countryside they rushed and brought all the sick to
Jesus, & besought him, dropping to their knees, asking no-
thing else than that they might touch the hem of his mantle.
& this he granted them.  And all they that touched him were
51.  How that Jesus answered the masters [of the
           Law] who reproved his disciples for not wash-
           ing their hands before their eating bread.
Next Jesus came unto Galilee.  & the masters [of the Law]
came from Jerusalem and saw his disciples eating before they
had washed their hands, according to the usage of the Jews
who washed before they ate.  And they asked Jesus why his
disciples kept not the Law according to the usages held by
their ancestors [i.e. the tradition of the elders].  And Jesus ask-
ed them why was it that they did not keep God's command-
ment; because God commanded that man should help father
& mother.  And the Jews answered and said that it was better
to give their chattel [i.e., their wealth] unto the Temple rather
than giving it either to father or to mother.  And many other
things did they against God's Law through their own ordin-
ances & through their traditions.

And then Jesus called the folk unto him and said that the food
which entered into their mouths was not what defiled a man,
nor what shamed him.  And when Jesus came again to the
house where he was abiding, then said his disciples that the
Pharisees were scandalized by his words.  And Jesus told
them "Give them no heed," for they were all blind.  And
Peter besought him with good will of heart that he would
speak openly regarding his intent.  And Jesus answered  &
said that that which entered into the mouth entered not with-
in the heart, & therefore defiled not the soul.  But from the
heart through the mouth come many wicked words, &
thoughts, manslaughters [i.e., murders], adulteries, fornica-
tions, false witnesses, slanders, envy, pride, & folly: & all
these things soil the soul.  But to eat food with unwashed
hands does not defile the soul.
52.   How Jesus healed the Canaanite's daughter.
So then went Jesus toward Syria and toward Gades.  & there
came a heathen woman of that region and she besought Jesus
that he would cast out a fiend that was in her daughter.  And
Jesus answered her not a word.  And his disciples besought
him that he would drive the fiend from her, for she had cried
to them and besought them to intercede on her behalf.  And
Jesus answered them & said that he was not sent but to the

And Jesus then went forth from there so as to preserve his pri-
vacy and entered into a house.  And the woman came there
and fell at his feet and besought his mercy.  And Jesus said
to her that it was not good to take the children's bread and give
it to the hounds [i.e., to the dogs].  And she answered and
said that the hounds eat the crumbs that fall off their laps.
And then said Jesus to the woman: "Great is thy faith; & just
as thou wilt, so be it done, & for thy true words is the fiend
gone out of thy daughter."

And when she returned to her home, she found her daughter
lying upon her bed and the fiend was out of her.        
53.   How Jesus healed the dumb & the deaf, [i.e., a
            deaf-mute] & went him home unto Galilee.
And so then came Jesus by the coast of the sea of Galilee.
And a man brought another man who was deaf & dumb, &
besought Jesus that he would touch him.  And Jesus took him
& led him away from the folk, and set his hand on his ears
and touched his tongue with his spittle and looked to heaven
and kneeled down and said: "Undo [i.e., open] and hear."  And
immediately the man began to speak and hear.  And Jesus
commanded him that he should tell no man.  And the more
he told them this, the more they publicized it abroad and the
more they all marvelled.

And Jesus went up upon a mountain and there sat down.
And all the folk followed him, and brought with them the
dumb & the deaf & the blind & the crooked and the feeble
and all the sick, and cast them down at Jesus feet, and he
healed each one.
54.   How Jesus fed four thousand men.
It was in that time that the folk dwelled so with Jesus and had
not to eat, so Jesus called his disciples and said to them that
he had pity on the folk, for they had been with him three
days & had naught wherewith to eat; and he would not let
them go from him while fasting, that they might not perish
by the way - for some who were there had come from afar.  And
then said his disciples that they had not the wherewithal to
feed them, nor could so much bread as would behoove them
be had in the wilderness.  And Jesus asked them how many
loaves they had.  And they answered, "Naught but seven."
And Jesus commanded the folk to sit down upon the earth,
and took the bread & performed graces & gave thanks to his
Father God & blessed it & brake it & gave it to his disciples
to part among the folk.  & little fish they had, & that he bless-
ed & did give it to them.  And they ate so that they were full.
And when they had all eaten, his disciples went and gathered
seven baskets full of leftovers.  And yet there were four thou-
sand men, without counting children & women.  & then Jesus
let them pass on.
55.   How Jesus answered the Pharisees in Magadan.
Then went Jesus to a ship, & went to the region of Magadan.
& there came the Pharisees, & besought Jesus that he would
show them some manner of token [i.e., a sign or indication]
from heaven.  And Jesus answered them that by the token of
fair weather and of tempest they could know & therefore they
should not have but that [sign] of Jonah the prophet.
56.   How that Jesus comforted his disciples when
            they had forgotten to take bread with them.
So then went Jesus into a ship, & his disciples had forgotten
to bring bread with them into the ship.  And Jesus told them
that they should flee the wickedness of the Pharisees & of the
Sadducees and of the Herodians.  And they thought that Jesus
said it for their having forgotten to take bread with them.
And Jesus perceived their little faith, & urged them that they
should bethink them of the leftovers from the five loaves and
how many men were fed therewith.  And then they under-
stood that Jesus had said this not for any other reason than
that they should flee the views of the Pharisees & that of men
of false belief.
57.   How Jesus spit in a blind man's eyes and healed
So then Jesus came to Bethsaida.  & they brought a blind man
before Jesus, & all besought him to heal that blind man.  And
Jesus took him by the hand & led him out of the town, and
spat in his eyes and touched him with his hand & asked him
whether he could see anything.  And the man said "Yea," that
he could see men go about and that they were as trees.  And
Jesus touched his eyes again, after which he could see all
manner of things clearly.  And Jesus bade him go home to his
own house, & that he tell no man anything.
58.   How that Herod feared Jesus. 
With the passage of time, Herod heard tell of the works which
Jesus had performed.  & he dreaded him, for he heard tell that
John the Baptist was risen from death to life, and he thought
this also himself.  And some others said that it was some other
of the prophets of old who was risen from death to life.  And
therefore he desired much to see Jesus.
59.   How Jesus bore himself at the Feast of Lodges
            where he saved a woman & healed a blind man.
After that, when Jesus was yet in Galilee, the Feast of Lodges
[i.e., of Booths or Tabernacles] drew nigh.  And his cousins
bade him that if he did marvels on God's behalf that he
should go then to the feast in Jerusalem, that his disciples
might see his works.  For even his own cousins did not be-
lieve in him.  And then said Jesus that he would not go to the
feast, for the time to reveal himself was not yet, that it had
not yet come.  But he bade them to wend their way up to the
feast, for there time was evermore [i.e., current, temporal]: for
the world loved them & hated him, for he spake ill of it.

And then his cousins went to the feast: and Jesus tarried
behind after their leaving, after which he went up privately.

& the folk who had come to the feast asked greatly after Je-
sus.  And some said that he was good & some said that he
was wicked and betrayed [i.e., misled] the folk.  And when
the feast was at its height, then came Jesus unto the Temple
and preached to the folk.  And they marvelled greatly how
well he knew the Law & yet had never learned his letters [i.e.,
was unschooled].  And then Jesus said that his teaching was
not of himself, but of God his Father who had sent him there.
And he reproved them who would have slain him, and show-
ed them wherein they were wrong.  For did they not circum-
cise on the Sabbath?  And yet they answered and said that he
committed a misdeed [i.e., a transgression], to heal and make
men whole on the Sabbath.

And then some said it was Christ [i.e., the Anointed One, the
Messiah].  And some said it was a wonder that the rulers had
not taken him into custody, inasmuch as they sought him so
as to slay him & there he was present and in person.

And when Jesus had spoken much to the folk, the rulers & the
Pharisees heard and saw how the folk were greatly influ-
enced by his preaching, and gathered together men and set
officers to take Jesus.  But as soon as they heard his word they
could not muster the will to do ill by him nor do him harm,
but they returned again to their lords.  And they [the rulers]
asked the soldiers why they did not bring Jesus with them.
And the officers answered and said never yet was there a man
who spoke as Jesus did.  And the rulers asked: "How!  What!
Are ye beguiled?  Consider of the Pharisees, that none of
them has ever yet believed in him, but only this lewd folk
who are accursed."  And then spake Nicodemus - he who it
was who had come before to Jesus, who was a good man -
& said that the Law condemned no man without judgment
[i.e., without a trial]. And they asked him wrathfully if he
were from Galilee, and said that no prophet could come from
there.  & thus they went home to their dwellings.  

And upon the morrow Jesus entered into the Temple &
preached to the folk.  And then came the masters [of the Law]
and the Pharisees, and brought among all the folk a woman
who had been taken in adultery.  And they told Jesus this and
asked him what they should do with her - for Moses com-
manded that such a woman should be stoned to death.  And
they did this in order that if he said "Stone her," they would
have all denounced him , saying that had been too hasty & too
cruel.  And the folk who held him as being so full of pity and
of mercy would have loved him the less for it.  And if he had
said, "Let her go free," they would then have taken him and
held him as one who had acted against the Law of God."

And then when Jesus saw them come he began to stoop
down, and portrayed [i.e., he wrote] in the earth that the wo-
man had no shame, nor was she shamed.  And they stood
before him and feloniously [i.e., deceitfully] asked him what
were they to do with this woman.  And Jesus straightened up,
& beheld them right hard, and said let him who is without sin
cast the first stone at her.  And immediately he stooped down
another time and continued writing in the earth.  And the Jews
forthwith went out of the Temple, even the eldest first, as
soon as they could go.

And when Jesus saw that they were all gone, then he turned
toward the woman and very graciously said: "Woman, where
be they who accuse thee?  Doth no man condemn thee?"
"No sir," she said, "no man."  And Jesus answered her and
said: "Neither shall I condemn thee.  Go, and sin no more."

And then began Jesus to prove [i.e., to demonstrate] that he
was God's son, and that they were the devil's children, and
not Abraham's sons, and so greatly did he anger them that
they were ready to have him stoned.  And Jesus hid himself
and went out of the Temple. 

And as he went out, he saw a blind man sitting there who
had been so his entire life.  And Jesus's disciples asked him
whether that it was on account of his sins that he was blind,
or otherwise for the sins of his ancestors that he was born
blind.  And Jesus said to them for neither, but to show the
power of God in him.  And then Jesus spat into the earth &
made a little clay with his spittle and smeared the blind man's
eyes, and bade him go and wash them at the waters of
Siloam.  And he went, & came again to Jesus seeing.  Now
his neighbors who had seen him blind & poor, knew him not
when they saw him seeing.  But then he told them that Jesus
had healed him.  Because this was on the Sabbath his neigh-
bors led him to the Pharisees.  And they asked him how that
this was, and in what manner.  And he told them that Jesus
had done it upon the Sabbath.  And he said it to them so
sweetly and so dignifiedly for Jesus sake, that for pure ire they
drove him away.  And Jesus heard tell how they drove him
away, and went after him himself in search of him.  And when
Jesus had found him, he asked him whether he believed at all
in God's son.  And he answered and asked who that was.
And Jesus said: "I am he."  And he fell down forthwith at his
feet and honored [i.e., worshiped] him, & said that he believ-
ed in him.

Now the Jews had adjudged [i.e., they had decided] among
themselves that whoso acknowledged that Jesus was Christ
should be driven out of their synagogue.  And Jesus began to
show that he was the very light of this world and true shep-
herd, and that the rulers & the Pharisees were indeed blind
and thieves, manslayers who were taught by the fiend.   
60.   How that Jesus first warned his disciples of his
Afterwards it so befell that Jesus went, himself praying along
the way, and his disciples with him.  And Jesus asked what
the folk said of him, what type of man were he.  And his dis-
ciples said to him that some wondered whether he were John
the Baptist, and some wondered whether he were Elijah, and
some others whether he were Jeremiah, others some other
prophet.  And then he asked them who they held him to be.
And Peter answered and said: "Thou art the son of the all
holy living God."  And then Jesus answered him and said:
"Forsooth [i.e., Of a truth] I say that thou art Peter on whom
I shall found my community.  And thou shalt have power in
heaven and on earth & in hell."        

And then Jesus began to show to his disciples that it be-
hooved him to wend his way to Jerusalem for to be con-
demned by the men who abide there - the masters of the Law
& the rulers and the folk - and for to be slain: and the third
day he would arise from death to life.

And then Peter began to gainsay him for saying so, by reason
that such should never betide him [i.e., come to pass].  And
Jesus said to him: "Thou adversary, fleeth from me, for thou
grievest me; for thou takest not God's side but man's."  And
then Jesus called all the folk to him and to his disciples and
said whoso would follow him must forsake himself and every
day take up his cross upon his back and follow him.  And he
said to them there were such in that place who would not die
before their seeing him come again and he would go unto
bliss with his Father to be glorified.  
61.   How Jesus was transfigured, and healed a man
            who was a lunatic.
Eight days afterwards Jesus took Peter & James and John and
went unto a high mountain to pray in private.  And whilst he
was there, as Jesus prayed, his face became resplendent like
the sun, and his clothing became as white as the snow & very
bright.  And then came Moses and Elijah and told how he
would be tormented in Jerusalem.  And then said Peter to Je-
sus: "Sir, it is good that we dwell here.  If it be your will, let
us in three full days [construct three booths]: one for you, an-
other for Moses, and the third day for Elijah."  And he said
this for dread, for he knew not what he was saying.  And with
that they saw a bright cloud in the firmament amongst them,
and a voice out of that cloud spoke to them & said: "This is my
dear son with whom I am well pleased.  Now heareth him."
& all of them fell to the earth with great dread.  And Jesus
took them up & said: "Have no dread [i.e., fear not]."  And
they looked, & saw naught then but Jesus alone.   

And as they went down [i.e., as they made their descent],
Jesus warned them that they should tell no man what they had
heard and seen until that he were arisen from death to life. 
And then they asked him whether Elijah would come before
the Day of Judgment,  And Jesus answered them and said:
"Yes.  He shall come and improve the state of the folk," but
they shall do to him also that which they did to John the
Baptist or to himself.

And upon the following day, after Jesus had come down from
the mountain, there came much folk about him.  And Jesus
came and found the masters of the Law disputing with his dis-
ciples before the folk.  And forthwith, as soon as they saw him,
they all ran up to him and saluted [i.e., greeted] him with
much dread.  And Jesus asked them over what thing did
they dispute.  And there came a man and said that he had led
his son who was a lunatic to his disciples, & his disciples
could not heal him.  And Jesus bade him bring his son before
him.  & he asked him how long had he had this affliction.
And he answered and said, ever since he was a little child;
and often since then the wicked fiend had cast him into the
fire & into water for to have slain him.  "But if thou could,
do so according to thy will, sweet sir, help me."  And Jesus
answered him and said: "I may well do this if thou will believe
it."  And he cried out weeping and said: "Sir, I well believe,
but help me of my unbelief."  And immediately as the child
came toward Jesus, he fell down as he was wont to do, and
of a grisly demeanor [i.e., a frightful appearance], that many
said that he was dead.  And Jesus commanded the fiend to go
out of him immediately, and he fled out in haste.  And so
Jesus swiftly took up the chid and brought him to the father.
And when Jesus came home to his inn [i.e., his place of
abode], then his disciples asked him why it was that they
could not drive out the fiend.  And Jesus answered them and
said, "on account of the little faith that they had."  And also
he said to them that if they had steadfast faith they could then
do all things, but this manner of fiend was not to be driven
out except through prayer & through me.           
62.   How Jesus another time warned his disciples of
            his passion.
So then went Jesus privately unto Galilee.  And another time
he forewarned his disciples regarding his passion and of his
resurrection.  And he urged them that they should think upon
it when the time came, what it was he had said to them be-
forehand.  And all of them became very sorrowful & very
somber, for they knew not whether he said this truly or else
by way of a parable.  And none of them durst ask him his in-
tent, nor his will.
63.   How Jesus paid the tax, and along the way taught
            his disciples to be always meek and mild &
            lowly of heart.
After that Jesus came unto Capernaum.  And then came the
gatherers of the tax for the emperor of Rome and asked Peter
whether or not Jesus paid taxes.  And he said, "Yes."  And
when Peter came home, forthwith Jesus asked him whether
kings take taxes from their sons or from strangers.  And Peter
said "From strangers."  "Then are the sons free," said Jesus.
"But so that we do not arouse their wrath, go to the sea," he
said, "& cast thine hook, and in the mouth of the first fish that
thou takest thou shalt find a penny which is worth the tax for
two.  Give it for me and for thee."

And in that time Jesus asked his disciples what they had been
saying along the way.  And all of them held still [i.e., they
kept their peace].  Now his disciples had been disputing along
the way which of them was most worthy.  And they came and
asked thus of Jesus.  And when Jesus saw their wrathfulness,
he called a child to himself and did have him stand by his
side and laid his arm about him, and said to his disciples that
except they were as mild of heart as a child, that they should
not enter into the bliss of heaven.  "For which," he said,
"whoso humbleth [i.e., lowereth] himself as this child doth, he
is most worthy.  And whoso receiveth such a child in my
name, he receiveth me.  And as for the greatest among you
all, he is the least." 

And then answered John and said that he had seen a man
drive away fiends in the name of Jesus who had not been one
of his followers.  And that they had forbidden this man from
doing so anymore.  And Jesus commanded that they should
forbid him not; for no man, he said, who did miracles in his
name could at any time thereafter speak ill of him.  And who-
so was against him, he were as one against himself.  And
whoso leadeth astray a child who believed in him, it would
be better if he had not been born.

And then Jesus taught them that they should confront pri-
vately any men who commit a misdeed against them, and for-
give them if they seek forgiveness; but if they were unwilling
to make amends for their trespass, then this should be shown
to a ministering elder, but if they are disobedient to the minis-
tering elder, let them pass out of their company.  "And all that
the community [i.e., a society of believing neighbors] will
judge and it shall stand and be confirmed before me.  The reas-
son for this being," he said, "where two or three are gathered
together in my name, there am I amongst them."

And then Peter asked how often should he forgive, if men
ask him for forgiveness, & if he should forgive seven times.  And
Jesus told him then a tale about a king that reapplied the debt
upon his officer, inasmuch as he had not done unto others as
the king had done for him: and his Father will do so likewise
to them, except if they forgive with good heart all their
64.   How that the Samaritans would not harbor Jesus.
So then Jesus went unto Galilee, and afterwards unto Jeru-
salem for to suffer his passion.  And when he came by Sa-
maria he sent messengers so as to beseech them that they
would receive him.  And they would not receive them, the
reason being that he was going to Jerusalem.  And then said
James and John: "Sir, would ye that we call down fire from
heaven and burn them?  And Jesus turned about & rebuked
them & said: "Know ye not how that ye shouldst bear your-
selves sweetly & softly?  The reason being that he had not
come in order to take vengeance on the folk, but for to save
them.  And then went Jesus unto another town.

And as he made his way along, so asked a man of him if few
folk would be saved.  And Jesus answered that much of the
folk would perish, but that many on every side of the world
would be saved: & the first would be last, & the last would be

And the Pharisees came to Jesus and begged him go away,
lest Herod slay them.  And Jesus answered & said: "Go to that
sly fox and say to him that I shall drive away fiends today, &
tomorrow, & the third day, And then shall it be ended."  For
it has not been heard of that a prophet should die outside of
65.   How Jesus healed one with dropsy [edema] &
            preached to the folk about lowliness [humility].
Then befell upon a day, upon a Sabbath, that Jesus entered
into the house of a ruling Pharisee for to eat.  And a man who
had the dropsy stood before Jesus.  And the Jews watched to
see whether he would heal any man upon the Sabbath.  And
Jesus asked of the masters [of the Law] & of the Pharisees if
men should do good on the Sabbath.  And they held them-
selves still, & answered not.  And Jesus touched the man, &
healed him immediately.  And Jesus asked which of them it
were who would not have drawn up his ox or his ass upon
the Sabbath, if it were fallen in a foul ditch.  And they would
give him no answer.

And then Jesus taught his hosts that when bidden to a feast, 
they should not choose the highest seats.  And he taught his
hosts also that when they make a feast they should call the
miserable & the poor, those who cannot reward them, and
that it would be God who would repay in the other world.
And then said one of his hosts that he was well blessed who
may eat in the bliss of heaven.  And Jesus answered and said
that many more might eat there if only they wanted to be

And then Jesus told a tale about a man who made a great feast.
& when it was all ready, then all the folk forsook him,
& did not go thereto: someone wanted to see the town, some-
one wanted to prove [i.e., try out] his oxen; someone had
taken a wife.  And the high men of the country forsook his
feast, & made him wroth, and said that none of them would
eat with him.  And then did he call the poor and the sick in
their stead, and filled full his house, and they feasted.  
66.   How Jesus spoke by the way against fleshly lusts.
So then went Jesus forth toward Jerusalem, and much folk
followed him.  And he turned himself about, and said that
whoso would come to him he must leave all fleshly likings
and loves, and take his cross upon his back and come after
him, if he would be his disciple.  And also he said to them,
that when one buildeth and raiseth a high tower, that person
first thinks through whether he is able to complete it, and also
as a king who hath not but ten thousand men bethinketh to
himself how he can hold out against another king who cometh
against him with twenty thousand men; also he said "it
behooveth him who would be my disciple, to give the most
careful attention to letting go of all such things as would be
disturbing to my love."
67.   How Jesus answered him who was grumbling
            about sinful men.
After that came the publicans [Roman-appointed tax collect-
ors] & sinful men.  And the Pharisees & the masters [of the
Law] grumbled, and said that he deceived the folk, [that he
allowed sinners] to eat with him. 

And then Jesus told them three tales, thereby illustrating for
them how they should conduct themselves.  "For why is it,"
he said, "that a shepherd hath more joy in a forlorn beast [i.e.,
a lost animal] when he hath found it, than he would over an
hundred other beasts.  And more joy hath a woman over a
penny which hath gone missing, when she hath found it, than
over ten others pennies which she hath in her coffer.  And
also," he said, "hath the father more joy over his son who hath
trespassed & done wrong, though he come home entirely
barefoot & naked, if he is ready to mend his ways, than he
hath for all his other sons who never did anything against
their father's commandments.  And also," said Jesus, "more
joyful an hundred times over are the angels over a sinful man
who repenteth, than they are over a thousand other righteous
individuals who have no need to repent." 
   68.  How Jesus taught his disciples to be full of pity,
              & upbraided the Pharisees for their felonies
              [i.e. their transgressions] & their envy.

Then Jesus taught his disciples to be piteous, and told them
a parable about a steward whose lord decided on removing
him from his position as the keeper of an estate which had
been entrusted to him, for this lord had heard tell that the
steward had wasted his goods.  And the steward acquired for
himself many friends by acquitting his lord's debt fair and
square.  And when his lord heard tell of it, he thanked God
& praised him for that he had done so wisely.  "For the folk
of the world," said Jesus, "are wiser in their manner of deal-
ing than are other men towards them."

Now the Pharisees, who were covetous, heard tell how Jesus
taught his disciple to do alms and to despise this world; and
therefore they laughed him to scorn, for that [in their view]
God's promise was to help & honor them who keep the Law of
old.  And then Jesus upbraided them for their hypocrisy,
and told them that the time of the world's goods will not last
but unto the time of John the Baptist, for from that time
forward God's promise to his servants is the bliss of heaven:
and whoso will have it must conquer it with strength [i.e., take
it by force].  And then Jesus showed them that in the Law of
old, God hated avarice and loved repentance, and told them
a parable.  "Once there was a rich man," he said, "who lived
so comfortably and also as luxuriously as he could, and each
day ate delicious foods.  & so there was a leper who came to
his gate and was full of sores & of vermin [i.e., was lice in-
fested], and he only desired the crumbs which lay on the rich
man's table.  And no man would give him aught, but took
hounds and chased him from the gate.  And the hounds came
and licked his feet.  And eventually the leper died, and his
soul was taken & borne with angels and laid on Abraham's
bosom.  And afterwards the rich man died, and his soul was
taken and borne with fiends unto hell.  And in as much as
their state was diverse in this world, by as much is it diverse
in that other world."
69.   How Jesus taught his disciples how they should
            flee iniquity.
So then another time Jesus taught his disciples that they
should flee iniquity; and that they should rebuke them who
commit misdeeds, or who they see doing wrong; and that
they should forgive them who ask for forgiveness, who seek
forgiveness, as often times as they repent of them.

Then the apostles sought out Jesus that he would strengthen
their faith.  And Jesus answered them that if they believe
steadfastly, they would accomplish all that they want to do.
And above all other considerations, he besought them not to
brag on their deeds.  "For who is it," he said, "who saith to
his servant as soon as he cometh from work: 'Go and eat'?
First he saith to him that he should prepare his lord's food;
and when he hath served his lord, then he can go & sit and
eat.  And no man thanks him for all that he hath done.  And
also I tell you," saith Jesus, "when ye have done all this that
you were commanded to do, say then: 'We are unworthy and
unaccomplished servants [i.e., we are but unprofitable
servants].  We have done what we ought to have done as a
matter of debt [i.e., out of obligation].'"
70.   How Jesus healed ten lepers.
After that Jesus came to the entrance of a town.  And ten
lepers came forth to meet him, and cried unto him for mercy.
And Jesus bade them go and show themselves to the priests,
that they might witness it.  And as they went, they were all of
them cleansed.  & one of them, who was a Samaritan, as soon
as he saw that he was clean, returned again and thanked God,
and came and fell at Jesus feet and cried to him for mercy.
And then said Jesus: "What!  Were not all ten cleansed?
Where then are the nine?  Why hath none of all of them re-
turned and thanked God except this alien [i.e., this foreign-
er]."  And Jesus bade him arise and go forth, for "thy faith
hath saved thee."
71.   How Jesus responded to the Pharisee who asked
            him when the Christ [i.e. Messiah] should come.
So then the Pharisees came, and asked Jesus when Christ
should come.  And Jesus answered them & said that the Reign
of Christ [i.e., the Messianic Kingdom] would not come
through observation; otherwise all the world would know full
well when he came. "And for thyself take note," he said,
"Christ is among you."

Then said Jesus to his disciples that the time will come one
day when they will desire to see him on earth, and yet they
will see him not: but before that should come to pass he must
be forsaken by the folk, and suffer diverse pains [i.e., suffer
acute agony].  And then they said to him how should it be at
his coming?  And he taught them how to prepare for that
event, which will be so dreadful, ordering themselves &
amending themselves through prayer and humility.

And he said to them that it behooved them all to pray: and he
gave them all a parable regarding a wicked miser who was in
a city, who long withheld the inheritance rights of a widow, &
then so much did she beseech him for mercy that at last he
did right by her just so as to deliver himself from her.  "And
much more," he said, "shall God do for them who have been
chosen, if they beseech him night and day."

And so then he told them another parable regarding a people
who trusted in their goods & their riches and despised other
men.  He said: "It was about a Pharisee and a publican [i.e.,
a tax-collector], and they went unto the Temple for to pray.
And the Pharisee stood and thanked God that he was not like
the sinful man, and namely that he was not such as the publi-
cans were: and he recorded all his good deeds.  And the pub-
lican stood afar off & would not look up towards heaven, but
secretly beat his chest and cried 'God have mercy,' in that he
was sinful.  And well know ye," said Jesus, "that the publican
was heard before God, but the Pharisee refused for this rea-
son, that whoso exalteth himself, he will be humbled; &
whoso lowereth himself, he shall be raised up." 
72.   How Jesus responded to the Pharisee who asked
            him if a man might leave his wife for any reason.
Then came the Pharisees to Jesus & asked him whether a man
can leave his wife for any reason.  And Jesus asked them:
"What said Moses to you?"  & they told him what Moses said
that whoso leaves his wife, he must write a bill of divorce-
ment, & then let her go.  And Jesus answered them & said
that it was on account of acrimony and transgression that
Moses allowed this concession, that he might not be slain by
them.  But from the time that God formed woman of man, he
forbade that man should let his wife go, neither for father nor
for mother.

And another time his disciples asked him at home, at their
dwelling regarding this matter.  And Jesus said to them that a
man should not leave his wife for any reason, except if it
were for whoredom [i.e., for adultery], and likewise the wo-
man should not leave her husband: "and for no reason may
they take up with another."  And then answered his disciples
and said that if this were so, then it is not good to take a wife.
And Jesus answered them & said that some men are chaste by
nature, and some through strength, and some through their
good will for God's love; and that not all are so; but whoso
can be, so let it be.
73.  How Jesus blessed the children and embraced
Then came a man to Jesus and offered his children, that he
should touch them and bless them.  And Jesus' disciples
rebuked them who presented them.  And when Jesus saw this,
he was displeased with them [his disciples], and called them
to him & bade them that they should let the children come to
him; "for of such," he said, "is the bliss of heaven.  And who-
so is not such as a child is, he shall not enter therein."  And
then Jesus embraced the children and blessed them, and he
went forth.   
74.   How Jesus responded to the ruler who asked him
            how he might be saved.
As Jesus went by the way, so came there a ruler who was rich
and young, & kneeled before Jesus and asked him what he
should do for to have life without end.  And Jesus said to
him: "Whoso will have life without end, look that he keep the
commandments of God."  And he asked which they were.
And Jesus recited to him the commandments of the Law of old
[i.e., the venerable Law].  And he said he had kept them all
his life: and he asked where yet had he fallen short.  And
Jesus beheld him amiably, and said to him that if he would be
perfect and draw a sigh of relief [i.e., have assurance], that he
go & sell all his goods and give them to poor men & come
and follow him, & he would have it all before him as treasure
in heaven.  And when the rich man heard this he went forth
all sorrowful and mournful, for that he had much riches.  And
then said Jesus to his disciples that with difficulty should any
rich man enter into the bliss of heaven.  And all his disciples
were astonished at his word.  And then said Jesus to them that
whoso puts his trust in riches can no more enter into the bliss
of heaven than a camel can pass through a needle hole.  And
then his disciples marvelled all the more, and said: "Who
then can be saved?"  & then answered Jesus and said, that he
could not name them, because God would chastise him.

And then asked Peter of Jesus: "What shall be our reward,
who have forsaken all things & have followed thee?"  And Je-
sus answered and said that they should be with him & judge
the folk of Israel on the day of doom.  And also he said: "All
who have left their father and mother & their kindred & their
friends & their goods for my love, an hundred-fold more shall
they receive in the other world, and life without end.  But
many shall be first who were last, and the last shall be first."
And then Jesus told them a parable about a man who brought
workmen into his vineyard.  And he paid them who came late
sooner, & also gave them as much as those who had come
75.   How Jesus warned his disciple the third time of
            his passion.
After that, when Jesus went forth towards Jerusalem, all who
were wending their way there with him were greatly abashed
& afraid, lest they be seen there.  And Jesus went before
them, and took the twelve apostles with him, & he told them
that as soon as they came to Jerusalem the Holy Scriptures
would be fulfilled, including all the prophecies that were of his
passion and of his resurrection.  And he told them all the
details.  And they understood it not, for he would not make
them too sorrowful.

And then came James' & John's mother [with her sons] and
besought him that they might sit with him, one on the right
hand and the other on the left hand, nearer to him than any
other during his reign.  And Jesus answered them that they
knew not what it was they sought.  And then he asked them
if they could drink of his drink, & be baptized in his baptism.
And they said, "Ye."  And then said Jesus that they could
drink of his drink, and in his baptism be baptized; but to sit
on his right side or on his left side, that he would not grant
them or his cousins, but to them whom his Father ordained.

And right away, immediately, the ten apostles were envious
that the two brothers had made such a request.  And Jesus
called them to him, and said to them that it should not be
among them as it was among profane men: for whoso would
be the greatest authority among them should be the servant
to all as he himself had been among them as their servant, for
to give his life to rescue all who are sinful from pain [i.e.,
from the anguish of punishment and separation].
76.   How Jesus healed a blind man as he entered into
Right then as Jesus came into Jericho, a poor, blind man, who
was beside the way, asked the folk who were near, who it
was that passed by.  And the folk said that it was Jesus of
Nazareth who went forth.  And he began immediately crying
to Jesus that he should have mercy on him.  And those who
were walking along bade him hold his peace.  And he cried
all the louder.  And Jesus then stood still and asked him what
he would.  And he said he would have his sight, and Jesus
said, "Have thy sight."  And immediately he saw, and went
forth with Jesus.  And then all the folk thanked God.
77.   How Jesus turned his head to Zacchaeus, & told
            him a parable about ten pounds.
Then entered Jesus into Jericho.  And a rich man whose name
was Zacchaeus, who was the chief bailiff [i.e., the adminis-
trator or magistrate] of that region, greatly desired to see Jesus:
but see him he could not on account of the press of folk, for
he was short and small [i.e., he was diminutive and slight].
Instead he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore, so
as to see Jesus before he went out of their region.  And Jesus,
when he came to that spot, stood still and beheld him above,
and advised him to make hast and bade him come down out
of that tree and to offer him lodging.  And he alighted down
forthwith, and received him with great joy.  And all who saw
this grumbled, saying that Jesus was turned towards a sinful
man.  And then Zacchaeus came and stood before Jesus, and
said that he would give half of his estate to the poor; and of
the other half he would give fourfold, if so be that he had
wrongfully taken any man's possessions.  & then answered
Jesus & said that all his men [of his household] were saved
that day, for that he had chastised them & was righteous. 
And this he said that he was come for to fetch [i.e., to seek]
and to save all who were forlorn [i.e., who were lost].

And afterwards Jesus told a tale regarding ten pounds [i.e., a
significant sum of money] that a great lord made over to his
subordinates and told them that they should invest it as they
were going unto uncouth [i.e., unknown] regions so as to win
him a realm.  And as they understood what he said, he would
become king as soon as he came to Jerusalem.  But he made
them understand well that the Jews would not receive that
kingdom, inasmuch as they would not receive him; and
therefore they would be destroyed: and that he would come
at the day of doom to show them that he was king, and he
would give to each man according to that which he deserved. 
78.   How Jesus healed two blind men as he went out
             of Jericho.
So then went Jesus out of Jericho; and two blind men sitting
by the way heard tell that Jesus would be passing by there,
and they began to cry aloud to Jesus, "Mercy!"  And the folk
told them: be still, and hold their peace.  And they began to
cry out all the more loudly.  And Jesus stopped, and asked
them what they would.  And they answered if they might not
be able to see.  And Jesus touched their eyes, and immedi-
ately they saw, and went forth with him.  And one of the two
was named Bartholomew.
79.   How Jesus responded to the Jews at the feast of
            the dedication of the Temple, & then he went
            forth from there.
So befell it at the feast of the dedication of the Temple [i.e.,
Hanukkah], which was in wintertime, when Jesus came unto
the Temple in Jerusalem.  And there came the Jews and asked
him with felonious intent [i.e., deceitfully] whether he was the
Christ, that he should tell them.  And Jesus answered them
that by his works and by his deeds they could well see that
he was so.  "But ye," he said, believe not in me, for ye are
none of my sheep.  My sheep bow to me, and follow me, and
I give them life without end.  And no man may dispose my
Father of them, to whom I take them; for my Father and I are

And then the Jews seized stones for to stone him.  And Jesus
asked them, "Many good deeds have I done you.  For which
will ye stone me?  And they said, "For no good deed you do,
but for blasphemy against God.  For thou sayest that God is
thy Father & thou are one."  And then Jesus showed them
openly that God so designates his chosen in Holy Writ.  And
then the Jews left off trying to stone him, and would have
seized him.  And he passed out of their hands, and went forth
over the river Jordan, where John the Baptist once dwelled
with his disciples.  And many men and women came to him,
and believed in him.
80.   How Jesus raised Lazarus from death to life, and
            how the religious authorities & the Pharisees all
            took council to oppose him.
And while Jesus was over the river Jordan in hiding, so it
befell that one of his friends who was named Lazarus, who
was Martha's brother and Mary Magdalene's, whom Jesus
loved specially, was laid up by sickness and languished in
Bethany, a mile from Jerusalem.  And Lazarus' sisters sent to
Jesus, and besought him that he would come to comfort his
friend.  And he answered that it was for the praise of God,
not so that he should die for ever.

And so then afterwards, when Jesus had dwelled there two
days, he said to his disciples that he would go into Judea.
And his disciples said it was a wonder that he would go
amongst the Jews, who so recently would have had him
stoned.  And then said Jesus that it behooved them not to
have dread when they followed him, by reason that he could
ever more save them: for he was, he said, as the sun through
whose brightness man is kept safe so long as it is daytime,
that he might not be hurt.

And then he told them that Lazarus their friend sleepeth, and
that he would go and awaken him.  And they said, if that he
sleepeth that this was an indication of recovered health.  And
then Jesus said to them openly that he was dead: and told
them that this was better than would otherwise be so, as they
would not be tempted to have their faith turned to fear had
they seen their friend die in his presence.  "But go we now to
him," he said.  And then Thomas said to his fellows: "Go we
now and die with our master: for he would be his friend who
goes with him of his own good will against his enemies."

And then Jesus came the fourth day to Bethany, where Laz-
arus was already in the grave.  And Jesus made his abode
without the town, and sent after Martha.  And she came and
fell at his feet and said: "Sir, if thou hadst been here, my
brother would not be dead.  But I know well," she said, "that
God shall give thee all that thou wilt ask him."  And then
Jesus said to her that he will arise.  And she said that she
knew it well that he would arise at the Judgment.  And then
Jesus asked if that she believed it that he was the uprising
[i.e., the resurrection] and the life.  And she answered "Yes,"
and said that she well knew that he was Christ, God's son.

And then Jesus bade her that she should go and fetch her
sister.  And she went, and said privately to her sister that Jesus
was come, and had sent for her, that she should come to him. 
And then went Mary to Jesus immediately.  And much folk of
the Jews, who were come so as to comfort them on her
brother's death, also went with them, thinking that she would
have gone & wept at the tomb.  And when Mary came to
Jesus, immediately she fell down at his feet weeping and
crying to him for mercy, and said: "Sir, if thou hadst been
here, my brother would not be dead."  And Jesus, when he
saw her weep and the Jews who were come with her, began
to quake & to weep, and asked them where they had buried
him.  And they led him thither.  And then said some that it
well seemed that Jesus had loved him much.  And others who
were there, said that it was a wonder that he could not save
his friend's life, as well as he could give a foreigner back his

And then Jesus all trembling came to the monument.  Now
was Lazarus laid in a grave, and a stone above him.  And
then Jesus commanded that men should remove the stone.
And Martha said that the body stank, for he had been four
days in the earth.  And Jesus answered her that but her faith
failed her, she would see a miracle.  And then they lifted up
the stone.  & Jesus looked heavenward and thanked his Father
that he had heard his petition]; and then he cried aloud: "Laz-
arus, arise, & come out here."  And forthwith he rose up, his
hands and his feet bound with bandages, and his visage
wrapped with a cloth.  And then Jesus commanded that they
should unbind him, and to let him go.

And then many who saw this believed in Jesus.  And the oth-
ers went off to the Pharisees, and told them what Jesus had

And then assembled together the [Temple's] overseers & the
Pharisees, and said that if they allowed Jesus to do his mira-
cles freely, all the folk would believe in him, and the Romans
would come and destroy them all; by reason of their having
chosen a new lord without their consent.  And then one of
them whose name was Caiaphas, who was [the Temple's]
overseer that year, said that they knew no good, for they had
not thought through that it were better that one man were
slain in order to save the folk, then that all the folk were slain
for one man's sake.  & he commanded that if any man knew
where Jesus was, that men should swiftly let them know, that
they might take him.   

And then went Jesus into hiding in a city whose name was
Ephraim, which was, as it were, in the desert [i.e., in a desert-
ed place].
81.   How that Jesus came unto Jerusalem through
            Bethany, & was received with full fair procession.
Then drew nigh the feast of Passover.  And the folk of all the
lands thereabout came to Jerusalem in preparation for to
observe the feast.  And as they stood in the Temple, they asked
how was it that Jesus had not come there to the feast.

And then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came unto Beth-
any, where he had raised Lazarus.  And they made a supper,
and Jesus did sup: and Martha served.  And Lazarus was one
of them who ate.  And Mary, his sister, took a pound of greatly
precious ointment, and anointed Jesus' head and his feet as
he sat at the meal: and all the house was full of its sweetness.

And then said Judas Iscariot: "Wherefore was this waste of
ointment made?  It might have been sold for three hundred
pence, and been given to the poor."  & he began to laugh
upon the woman with scorn and disdain.  And that he said
not because of love of almsgiving, but because he was a thief,
and stole and made away with that which men set before
him.  And then answered Jesus and said, that she had done
this deed in honor of his burial.  And he said that she had
done full well: and the poor they will have always, but his
body they will not always have.  "She hath done," he said,
"what she could.  And for that shall her deed be spoken of
over all the world wherever the good tidings are proclaimed,
in remembrance of me."

And then many folk heard tell that Jesus was there.  And they
came, not for to see Jesus, but to see Lazarus who was raised
from death to life.  So then bethought the high priest [i.e., the
Temple's overseer], that they would slay Lazarus; for on
account of him, many folk believed in Jesus.

And upon the morn, as Jesus went toward Jerusalem and
came to Bethphage, he bade two of his disciples go to the
town which stood before them, and that they bring him an ass
and her foal, that never man had ridden on.  And if any man
tried to obstruct them, that they should tell him that their lord
had need of this; and they will let them.  And his disciples
went forth, and found it just as Jesus had said.  And men then
asked what they would do with the beasts.  And they an-
swered as Jesus had instructed them: and they let them pass.
And they came to Jesus with the asses, and laid their clothes
upon the ass's foal, and set Jesus down thereupon.  And some
laid their clothes in the way where the asses would go.  And
some strewed flowers, and olive branches.  And when Jesus
came down from the Mount of Olives, all the folk thanked
God for the great miracles which they had seen, that Jesus
had done.  And they began for to cry out, and to sing, and to
make great joy that he was Christ [i.e., the Messiah, God's
Anointed One], their rightful king, whom God had promised
them of the kindred of David.

And then the great gathering of folk who had come to the
feast heard tell that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, and they
went out to greet him, and took olive branches in their hands,
and joined the rest of the assemblage, thanking God as did
those who followed Jesus.

And then the Pharisees saw men doing him so great an hon-
or, and his allowing this, that they came to him & bade him
that he should disallow it.  And Jesus answered them, that if
they tried to stifle them, they would cry out all the more.

And when Jesus came nigh the City of Jerusalem, he stood
still, and began to weep, and he said, had they known that
which as yet they knew not, they also would weep; for they
will be besieged & destroyed, for they knew not the time of
God's visitation.

And as Jesus entered into the City in this great procession, all
the folk were abashed [i.e., were amazed], and asked who
was it.  And folk told them that it was Jesus, the prophet from
Nazareth.  And then they said that they had seen how he had
raised Lazarus, that he well deserved to have great honor.

The Pharisees' response among themselves was one of envy,
and that it was all for naught their having spoken words with
him, because they had achieved nothing.  "Do you not see,"
they said, "how all the sick men [i.e., all who were ailing] fol-
low him, & he doth not refuse them?"
82.  How Jesus conducted himself on Palm day, the
           first day of the week, & how he answered those
           opposing him regarding what the children sang.
And Jesus then rode through the City unto the Temple.  And
there he found merchants with their wares, sitting there &
selling.  & he drove them out each one, & overthrew their
tables who stood there for to change money, and their chairs
also he cast down who sat and sold pigeons; & said to them,
that God said that his house is to be a house of prayer and of
worship, and they had made it a den of thieves: and he
would no more allow it that men bore their vessel through
the Temple, except were it hallowed.

And the rulers, and the masters of the folk, and the overseers,
when they saw this, bethought them how they could take him
and condemn him to death.  But they durst not on account of
the folk, who loved him so much, and so gladly worshipped
and praised him.

And with that so came the halt, and the blind, and the deaf,
and the dumb, into the Temple: and Jesus healed them every

And the children of the City went forth and sang before their
king: "Rightfully, truly Jesus Christ, David's kin."  And then
came the  overseers [i.e., the Temple priests] and the masters
of the Law, who asked him if he had at all heard what the
children had said?  For they thought that he should not allow
such vainglory.  And Jesus answered them, that David the
prophet, as they themselves knew so well, had said that God
would raise to his Christ praise from out of the mouths of
children, to confound his enemies.  And so Jesus was left to
fast in the Temple until it was evening.  And then looked
about, if any man would offer him lodging: and when no
man offered him such, then he returned again with his apos-
tles to Bethany, unto Lazarus's house.  And there he dwelled
all that night, and taught them right beliefs [i.e., the true
principles] of the faith.
83.   How Jesus cursed the fig tree when he went
            again to Jerusalem, for that it bore no fruit.
Upon the morrow early Jesus went again to Jerusalem.  And
as he went along the way he was anhungered and went to a
fig tree, that he might find any fruit.  And as he approached
it, he found no fruit, but leaves only on the tree.  And imme-
diately he cursed it, and said that it should never again bear
fruit.  And right away the fig tree began to wither, and to dry
up all the way unto its roots.  And at this his disciples mar-
velled greatly.  And upon the morrow Peter showed it to him
another time, as he went toward Jerusalem, that the fig tree
was all dried up.  And Jesus responded to them & said, that if
they had steadfast faith and charity, not only could they do
thus to a tree, but also remove a great mountain at their own
84.   How that Jesus beheld the Temple, and answer-
            ed them who opposed his authority.
Jesus, when he had come to Jerusalem, sat and beheld the
merchandisers in the Temple and all the other earthly con-
cerns], and sat and preached to the folk.  And then came the
arch priests, and the masters [of the Law], & the elders to him,
and asked him who had given him the power [i.e., the author-
ity] to do such things as that which he had done in the Tem-
ple.  And Jesus answered them & said, if that they would
respond to him regarding one question, he would tell them
who had given him this power [i.e., this authority].  "Say to
me," he said, "whether John the Baptist was acting on God's
behalf or was he not."  And the Jews thought: "If we say that
he acted on God's behalf, he shall ask us why we had not be-
lieved him: and if we say that he was not acting on God's be-
half, the folk shall then stone us to death."  And then they an-
swered Jesus that they did not know.  And Jesus responded and
said, he would no more tell them who had given him that
power, then would they answer his question.
85.   How Jesus overcame the masters of the Law.
So then Jesus said to the masters of the Law three words [i.e.,
three parables], and showed them that they were to be con-
demned through their own answers.     

The first parable was of a man who had two sons.  One said
that he would do his father's commandment, but he did it
not; while the other said he would not do it, but went and
did it.

Another tale Jesus told them, of a man who planted a vine-
yard: and folk conspired that they would slay all those who
came to fetch the fruit, yea, and even his own son.

And then he told them that he was like unto a stone, which
all the masons who made Solomon's Temple had cast aside
until that it was nearly finished.  And the last stone they laid
highest upon a corner, for to complete two walls: and there
it fit so advantageously that all marvelled greatly.

And then Jesus told them the third tale of a king who held a
feast for his son.  And those whom he had invited to the feast,
they chided [i.e., abused] and slew his servants when they
came for them.

And when the masters of the Law, and the priests, & the
Pharisees, saw that these tales touched on them, they would
have taken Jesus: but they durst not on account of the folk.
For all the folk held him verily to be a prophet, and from
morning until evening they heard him with good will.  
86.   How that Jesus responded to the Pharisees and
            to the Herodians regarding the tribute.
Then the Pharisees went and counselled with the officers who
were associated with the Herodians, that they should take Je-
sus as a thief and for a felon [i.e., a transgressor] & traitor, if
he said that he would give no tax to the Romans.  And if he
said that men should give it, they should cry forth this, &
open to the folk this fact.  And then they came & sent those of
their disciples who were not known to associate with the
authorities.  & they began first to flatter him, & said that they
knew well that he taught the truth to all men; and they be-
sought him that he would tell them whether men should give
any tribute to Caesar, the Emperor of Rome, or that men
should not.   

And Jesus, knowing well their wiles, told them to show him
the money.  And forthwith the Pharisees showed him a penny.
And Jesus asked them, whose image was on it, and what was
the writing thereabout.  And they said that it was Caesar's.
And Jesus then told them that they should give unto Caesar
that which was his, and to God that which was his.  And they
went forth, & all of them were feeling ashamed and con-
87.   How Jesus responded to the Sadducees about a
            woman who had taken seven brothers as hus-
That selfsame day so came the Sadducees & said that there
would be no resurrection of the body.  And they asked him
about a woman who had taken seven brothers as husbands.
Upon the usage of the Law of old [i.e., God's venerable Law],
whose woman should she be, when the common resurrection
shall be?  And Jesus said that they did err, because they under-
stood not the Scripture regarding the Law.  "The reason why
is this," he said, "in the other world men will not have wives, 
as men have in this world: but they shall be as God's angels."
And then through the Law itself, he showed them what the
common resurrection from death to life will be. "For God said
that he is the God of Abraham & the God of Isaac & the God
of Jacob [i.e., implying a continuing life in God].
88. How Jesus responded to the masters [of the Law]
          regarding the highest commandment of the Law.
After Jesus had spoken & thus well answered the Sadducees,
such that they could no more question him, so there came a
minister of the Pharisees to prove [i.e. to test] him & asked
which was the highest commandment of the Law?  And Jesus
answered and said, to love God with all his heart, with all his
life, with all his mind, with all his strength, and to love his
neighbor as himself.  It must needs be thus, for on the second
of these two commandments all the Law and prophecy de-

And then the Pharisees sent to see how well he [i.e. their
interlocutor] had spoken.  And Jesus responded that he was
not far from the Reign of God, [i.e., the Kingdom of God] in
that he had assented to the truthfulness thereof.  
89.   How Jesus asked the Pharisees whose son that
            Christ should be, & who was his father.
Then Jesus asked all the Pharisees there, who were all gather-
ed in the Temple, of whose lineage would Christ come.  And
they answered, that of David's.  And then Jesus asked how
that David called him his Lord in the Psalms, unless he had
been before him.  And with that none of them durst answer,
asking nothing of him from that day forwards.   
90.   How that Jesus preached to the folk & to his dis-
            ciples about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees.
Then said Jesus to the people as well as to his disciples, that
they should do what the masters [of the Law] and the Phari-
sees say to do, but first they should beware of their deeds.
And he told them that they were hypocrites in many ways;
that they were hard & covetous of other men's goods, yet soft
and tender on themselves, and they desired to be honored,
but through guile they extorted gifts from widows, and, more-
over, from folk who were simple.  And he said that they were
like graves which had been daubed [i.e., like whitewashed
tombs], made fair without, yet which stunk within.  Also he
said that they were proud & cruel as those who were kindred
to an adder.  Even as their ancestors slew God's prophets, so
also shall they do to the prophets & the masters of the Law
whom I shall send.  And therefore, he said, from that time
forwards, that all the blood which they had shed from the time
of Abel, shall be taken in all vengeance from themselves.

And then Jesus, mourning the City of Jerusalem, said: "Jeru-
salem, Jerusalem, who slayest the prophets, and stonest them
who are sent to thee, greatly have I willed to have gathered
thy folk, as doth the hen her chicks under her wings, and
thou would not.  Now from this time forwards be thou deso-
late, for I tell thee, after this Passover that thou shalt never see
me, ere that thou believest in me."
91.   How that Jesus praised the offering of the poor
And as Jesus sat and beheld how the folk made their offering,
so came many rich men and offered much, and there came a
poor woman, a widow, and offered a farthing.  And Jesus
called his disciples, and told them that this poor widow had
offered more than each one of them had done.  For all of
them had offered much, for they had much; yet she had of-
fered more, for she had offered all that she had to live by. 
92.   How Jesus responded to the pagans [i.e., those of
            the nations, gentiles] who would speak to him.
With that the pagans, who were at the [Passover] feast, came
to Philip, and told him that they would gladly see Jesus.  And
Philip told this to Andrew, and then together they went and
told this to Jesus.  And Jesus told them that the time was
come when he should be with the pagans.  For as it is need-
ful, he said, for wheat after being sown to be completely ripe
before it can multiply, so also with himself.  For wheat to
ripen the earth must be moist, then it will multiply well &
bear much fruit.  "And so it is with me.  & so it is of my men,
that whoso loveth his life in this world; contrary to me, [i.e.,
against my way], he shall forsake his life; and whoso hateth
it for my sake, he shall find it.  And whoso serveth me, fol-
loweth me: for where I am, there is my servant.  And whoso
serveth me, my Father shall him honor."

And so then said Jesus that he was much tormented, and be-
sought his Father that he should save him from that time for-
wards.  "Father," he said, "honor [i.e. , glorify] thy name."
And then came a voice from heaven and said: "I glorify it,
and shall glorify it again."  And then some said that it was
thunder: and some said the angel had spoken to him.  And
then Jesus said, that this voice came not for him, but it had
come for them.  And he said, if he were done upon the rood
[i.e., if he were suspended upon a stake of impalement], he
would draw all the world to himself. 

And then the folk responded & said, that the Law said that
Christ should live evermore without end: and asked him what
he meant that he should be crucified, if he were the Christ.
And then said Jesus to them that he had been sent to them,
and only so long as they had light could they proceed.  

And then many of the rulers believed in Jesus, but they durst
not show it on account of the Pharisees, lest they were done
out of [i.e., disfellowshipped or excommunicated from] their
synagogue - for they loved more the blessing of the folk than
of God.  And then Jesus said: "Whoso believeth on me, he be-
lieveth in him who sent me; and whoso despiseth me, I shall
not condemn him now, but my teaching shall judge him at
doomsday."  And when Jesus had thus spoken, then he went
from them and hid himself, that they might not know what
became of him.
93.   How Jesus warned his disciples privately of the
            destruction of the Temple, & taught them how
            they should prepare for the judgment with four
            wise words.
And as he went out of the Temple, so came his disciples and
showed him how rich & good & strong it was.  And Jesus re-
sponded to them and said that the time would come when it
will be so thoroughly destroyed that one stone should not be
left to lie upon another.

And then as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, across from the
Temple, Peter and James and John & Andrew, asked when
this should be, and what tokens [i.e., signs and indications]
would come before that destruction, and before the judgment.
& then Jesus answered them and said, that many false proph-
ets would come, and hunger, and earthquakes, and tempests,
& wars; that they would be betrayed, & seized, & slain, and
the Jews all destroyed, and good tidings preached over all the

And so then he told them of the tokens [i.e., the signs or indi-
cations] that would come before the day of judgment: and
said to them that the sun would turn right dark, and the moon
would withdraw its light, & the stars would fall from heaven,
and the powers of heaven would be stirred, and the folk of
earth would fall down for dread of the greatness of the sea
and of the flood.  "And then shall the Cross appear in the
firmament, & then would they see me coming with so much
dread and with great bliss, and then I shall send mine angels
with a great sound and great cry, and they shall gather all that
be chosen throughout all the world.  And when ye shall see
all these works beginning, then be bold, for then shall come
your salvation: but no angel knoweth the day nor the time. 
Then shall the folk be taken, as they were in Noah's time. 
And for this, charge not your hearts [i.e., do not burden your
life] with gluttony, nor with drunkenness, nor with the covet-
ousness of the world: but watch & pray always, that ye be
worthy before me."  And so then Jesus said these four words:

The first word was about all the servants who abided their
lord and watched, even if he came ever so late.

Then another word was that of a man who was in dread of a
thief, how that he should stay awake so as to keep himself
from the thief. 

The third word was about ten maidens who went forth to
accompany a bride & a bridegroom: and five of the maidens
were foreclosed [i.e., they were locked out of the proceed-
ings], in that they were not ready to accompany the bridal
couple when they were to be espoused.

The fourth word was about a man who went on a far pilgrim-
age, and entrusted all his goods to his servants: to one of
them five bezants [i.e., gold coins, otherwise identified as
"talents"], and to the other, two bezants, and to the third one
bezant only.  And at his coming again he highly rewarded the
two who had doubled his goods; and the third he did im-
prison, in that he had won him nothing.   

And so then Jesus told them the form and the manner of the
judgment.  And when in majesty the judgment comes, then
will all the folk be assembled together before him, & he will
divide them asunder, as a shepherd doth his sheep from the
goats.  And his sheep he shall have stand on his right half, &
for the works of pity [i.e., compassionate acts] that they did
for his sake, he will have them called unto his Father's bliss;
and those on the left half, for they did no works of com-
passion on his behalf, he will have them driven with the
fiends into the pain without end.
94.   How that Judas bespoke treason upon the fourth
            day of the week.
After Jesus had said all these things to his disciples, then he
told them that on the third day following, during the feast of
Passover, he would be delivered up to be done in on a rood
[i.e., to be impaled upon a torture stake].

And then gathered the princes [i.e., the rulers], & the masters
of the Law, the priests, & the elders of the Law, in the court
of the overseer [i.e., the high priest], who was called Cai-
aphas, because Jesus had said on the third day of the week,
that they would  see him no more ere that they had believed
in him.  And thus they went and took counsel together [i.e.,
they plotted and conspired] how they could betray Jesus, and
slay him.  And then they said that it was not good to do this
whilst the feast lasted, in order that the folk not grumble, nor
prevent it.

And then Judas heard tell that they were assembled together,
and he went to them, & asked them what they would give
him, & said that he should take them to Jesus privately [i.e.,
surreptitiously] so that the folk would not know about it.  And
all of them were glad & beholden to him for thirty pense [i.e.,
for what was then a significant sum of money, also identified
as "thirty denarii"]: and he promised them Jesus.  And from
that time forwards he espied how he might betray Jesus, and
betake him to them privately, without the folk realizing it.

For indeed, all the three days before Jesus had taught the folk
in the Temple from morning to evening, & from evening until
morning.  And upon the night he went upon the Mount of
Olives, & the folk upon the morrow came unto the Temple
for to hear him.  And there passed Jesus the fourth day and
the fifth day of the week.   
95.   How that Jesus bore himself in his passion from
           evening time until it were the next day.
At evening time of the sixth day began the Passover feast,
when every man should sacrifice a lamb for himself.

And then Jesus' disciples came to him, & asked him where
they should hold the pascal seder & where they should pre-
pare the lamb.  And Jesus said to Peter & John that they
should go into the City, & follow a man whom they would
meet, bearing a potful of water: and where they see him en-
ter, there they should ask for him & his disciples, and that this
request would be granted them immediately.

And they went forth & found it right as Jesus had told them,
& prepared the lamb in a great soleer [i.e., the Upper Room],
that the hostess had prepared for them, already furnished.

And when evening had come, so came Jesus with his disci-
ples, and set himself down with them, and held forth the pas-
cal seder, ere that he was pained [i.e., tortured].  And then, as
he sat & ate, he took the cup with wine and blessed it, &
offered graces [i.e., prayers] to his Father, and drank, and
offered it to them, & bade them share it amongst themselves.

And then he said that one of them would betray him.  And
then everyone, & each man of himself, began to ask which it
were.  And Jesus answered them and said, that it was one of
them who ate of his dish.  And he said that it would have
been better for him that he had never been born.

And then Jesus administered to them the Eucharist with his
flesh and with his blood, and bade them that they should
sanctify bread & wine, in remembrance of his passion. 

And then there began to be strife [i.e., disputation] amongst
them, as to which was most accomplished [i.e., who was the
greatest] and the highest authority.  And Jesus said that it
should not be amongst them as with the lewd [i.e., debased]
folk: for the eldest should be as the youngest, and the greatest
of them as the lowest of them, forasmuch as they had dwelled 
with him in his temptations, so also he said, they should be
with him in his bliss [i.e., his glory], and reign with his Father.

And then Jesus said to Peter, that the Fiend [i.e., the Devil]
had asked God, his Father, that he might tempt them &
cleanse them as wheat winnowed by men.  And for him he
sought that his faith faileth not.  "And thou," he said, "in due
time turn again, and comfort thy brethren."  And then Peter
said that he was ready to go with him in his passion, and be
with him in prison, and for to suffer death.  And Jesus an-
swered him and said that the cock would not crow once, ere
that he had forsaken him thrice.

And then Jesus asked them if anything had failed them [i.e.,
whether they had lacked for anything] when that he had sent
them forth without satchel, without purse, without shoes.
And all of them said, Nay, that nothing had failed them.  And
then Jesus told them that whoso had satchel or purse, that he
should sell it, and buy them swords; and whoso had none,
sell his kirtel [i.e., his mantle], and buy him a sword there-
with.  For the Scripture about his passion, he said, needed to
be fulfilled.  And his disciples answered that they had two
swords.  And Jesus said that this was enough.

And then Jesus rose up and did off his clothes, and girded
himself with a towel, and put water into a basin, and went
down upon his knees & began washing their feet & to wipe
them.  And when he came to Peter, Peter said that he should
not wash his feet.  And Jesus said to him, unless he did so, he
would have no part in heaven with him.  And then Peter an-
swered & said: "Lord, not only wash my feet, but all the body
and the head."  And Jesus said to him: "Who that is bathed,
hath no need to be washed, but only his feet.  And ye be
now clean," he said, "yet not all: and that shall be seen."

And then when Jesus had washed their feet, he took his
clothes, and went and set himself down again at the supper,
and told them that he had done it to give them the example,
that each should do so for the other.

And then Jesus became sorrowful, and said that one of them
would betray him.  And each one so looked on the other
and asked & thought who it might be.  And with that, at this
time, John leaned over to Jesus, and laid his head on his bos-
om.  And Peter made a sign to John, that he [Jesus] should tell
who it was.  And he began to bow down to Jesus breast, and
asked him who it was.  And Jesus answered him and said, that
it was he to whom he would give a sop of bread: and he took
a sop of bread & gave it to Judas.  And just as swiftly the
fiend entered within him.  And Jesus told him: do swiftly that
which he would do.  And no man there knew why he had
said this: but some of them thought, because he [Judas] had
the pense [i.e., the moneybag], which Jesus had instructed him
that he should buy them such as they had need for the feast;
or that he should give something to the poor.  And as soon as
he had received that morsel, out he went.

And then said Jesus that he was much honored & would de-
part.  And also he said: "I tell you, the Jews shall seek me,
and they shall no more come to me.  And to my sons, I say
likewise unto you.  But I shall give you a new commandment,
that each one love the other of you, as I have loved you: and
so shall men know you, that ye are my disciples, if each one
of you love the other.

And then Peter asked him, wither would he go?  And Jesus
answered him, that he might not follow him then, but at an-
other time he would follow him.  And then he asked him why
was it that he might not follow him, and said that he would
give his life for him.  And Jesus said to him that he would for-
sake him thrice ere that the cock did crow.

And then Jesus began to comfort them, and answered them all
that they would ask him.  And he began to warn them of the
pains & the persecutions which they would suffer for him. 
And he told them that they would come to him soon; and
promised them the Holy Ghost, who would give them power
& wit, and comfort them in all manner of things that they had
need of.

And so then Jesus said to them, that the time was come that
they would forsake him and flee away, & leave him alone. 
And so he then lifted up his eyes toward heaven, and con-
secrated them to God his Father, and made entreaty for them,
& for all those who believed in him through their preaching,
that they were all one in him, and that his Father loved as
himself, and that he was bringing them to his bliss where he
would himself be, and that they might see him & know with-
out end.
96.   How that Jesus fared from evening time until the
And when they had said their prayers, they arose and went
forth with him out of the city unto the Mount of Olives.  And
Jesus told them that in that selfsame night they would all
forsake him, for it was so written beforehand in Prophecy. 
But after he were risen from death to life, he said, he would
appear to them, & they would see him in Galilee.  And then
Peter answered him, that he would never forsake him.  And
Jesus answered him and said, that he would forsake him
thrice that very night, ere the cock had crowed twice.  And
Peter said, this would not be, though he should die with him.
And so said they all.

And then Jesus went with his disciples over the water of Kid-
ron unto a town which was called Gethsemane, and entered
into a garden there, as he was accustomed to assembling
there with his disciples.  And Judas knew well the place and
their habits.  And then Jesus told his disciples that they should
abide there for him, while he worshipped his Father.  And he
took Peter & James & John, and he went forth, & became
dreadful and sorry [i.e., troubled and distressed].  And he told
them that he was sorrowful, even unto death, & urged them
that they abide with him there and watch with him, & pray
that they not fall for the blandishments of the Fiend.

And Jesus went hastily [i.e., quickly] from them a stone's cast,
and fell on his knees to the earth, and besought his Father, if
it were his will, that he be released from the [impending]
passion.  And with that came an angel from heaven to comfort
him.  And Jesus then in anguish, lingered on in worship: and
the sweat ran down to the earth from his body as drops of

And when he came again to his disciples, he found them all
asleep for weariness.  And Jesus said to them: "Awake, &
pray" that they might not enter into temptation, nor fall for the
Fiend's [i.e., the Devil's] blandishments.  And so he tuned
again, & besought his Father that he might do his will.  And
then afterwards, when he had come to them again, he found
them sleeping.  And they knew not how they could answer
him.  And then he left them, and went again to do as he had
before.  And so then he came to them again, and said to them
that they had slept enough, and that they were to arise and go
forth with him.  And he told them that his betrayer was nigh
at hand. 

And with that came Judas with a large company of pagan of-
ficers, with servants, & with rulers, & Pharisees & the masters
[of the Law] who had taken with them men with arms and
with lances and with torches, so as to take Jesus.  And Judas
told them they should take him whom he kissed.   

And Jesus then approached them, and asked whom it was that
they sought.  And they answered: "Jesus of Nazareth."  And
Jesus said to them that it was himself.  And then they drew
back, and fell down to the earth.  And again Jesus approach-
ed them and asked them whom they sought.  And they said:
"Jesus of Nazareth."  And he said to them: "Did I not tell you,
that it was I.  And if ye seek me, then let the others go free of
harm."  Now then was Judas with them, and came to Jesus, and
began to kiss him.  And Jesus said to him: "Friend, wherefore
art thou come to me, Judas, so as to betray me with thy kiss?"

And then came the constable [i.e., the magistrate], and the
centurions, and the officers of the Jews, and took Jesus and
held him.  And his disciples asked him whether they should
strike with swords.  And Peter drew his sword, and smote a
servant of the High Priest whose name was Malchus, severing
his right ear.   And Jesus told them to wait, and told Peter that
he put his sword away: for whoso smote more with the sword
[i.e., any additonal blows], with the sword would die.  "Think
ye not," said he, "that I could not appeal to my Father for
help, and that he would send me more than twelve legions of
angels?  But it is fitting that Scripture be fulfilled."  And then
Jesus touched the servant's ear, and it became entirely whole.

And then the officers bound Jesus, and all his disciples fled
away, save a young man who followed him, wound only in
a linen cloth.  & the Jews made to hold him fast, & he left the
cloth, & fled away all naked.

And then Jesus upbraided them, that they were come with an
army by night, for to take him as though he were a thief.  And
then they led Jesus to Caiaphas' house, who had married there
the High Priest Annas' daughter.  And Peter and John
fell back a far piece, in order to see how it would end.  And
when they came to Annas' house, John entered in as someone
who was known to the servants, and Peter stood without.
And John besought the porter to let Peter in which the porter
did.  And the servants made a great fire all night in the middle
of the courtyard, and set about it, warming themselves, for it
was very cold.

And it happened as he and Peter stood about the fire, that the
porter came to him, and said that he had been with Jesus. 
And Peter, before them all, said "Nay," and said that he knew
him not, and would have gone away.  And the cock began to
crow.  And then came a woman and she observed Peter, and
said to them who stood about that he had been with Jesus. 
And after that came a servant, & said that he was one of Jesus'
disciples.  And the other said that it was so.  And Peter began
to swear that he was none of his.  And then afterwards came
another servant & said that he was one of the disciples of
Jesus; and that seemed likely for he was a man of Galilee. 
And the other said that word might well be so.  And then said
the cousin whose ear he had cut off, that he had seen him in
the garden with Jesus, where he was taken.  And then began
Peter to swear, & to curse all who had ever been with Jesus,
and all who ever knew him.  And with that, as the word was
in his mouth, the cock began to crow.  And Jesus turned
about & beheld Peter.  And then bethought Peter the words
which Jesus had said to him beforehand.  And when the oth-
ers let him go, Peter went out, and began to weep very sorely
and tenderly.

And then, as Jesus stood before Annas, they asked him of his
disciples and of his teaching.  And he answered & said that
his teaching was no felony [i.e., that it was no transgression] or
committed in private, but altogether aloud [i.e., publicly] be-
fore the folk in the Temple where he preached.  And one of
them gave him a buffeting under the ear, and asked him if he
would answer so the High Priest.  And Jesus responded to
him, telling him that if he had committed any misdeed, that
he should tell him whereof; and if he could not tell whereof,
that he smite him no more.

And they sought false testimony against Jesus, so as to do him
to death.  And then came some who said about him, that he
had said that he would destroy God's Temple and make it
whole again within three days; and some of them said other-
wise, and were not in accord.  And many other false witness-
es they brought forward against him, but in nothing were they
be in accord.

And then arose up the High Priest, and asked Jesus why it
was that he answered not those who bore witness against
him.  And Jesus stood & answered not.  And then he impor-
tuned him to tell whether he were Christ, God's son.  And Je-
sus said to him that he it was, and that they would see him
come in the bliss of God at the judgment of all the world.
And then began the High Priest to rend his clothes; and said
that Jesus had mis-spoke [i.e., had blasphemed], and that they
had no more need of witnessing, for had they not all heard it?
And he asked them what they thought best be done.  And all
of them answered that he was worthy of death.

And then began they who held Jesus to spit on him, and to
scorn him, and covered his eyes, and smote him under the
ear and on the neck, and told him that if he were the Christ
that he should say prophetically who it was that smote him.
And to many other shameful acts did they subject him.
97.   How Jesus bore up from early morning until nine
Afterwards Annas sent Jesus to Caiaphas, the High Priest. 
And as soon as morning arrived, all the masters of the Law,
and the priests, and the elders in the land assembled, and
took their counsel as to how they could bring him to death.
And they brought Jesus amongst them at the council, and told
him to say whether he were Christ.  And Jesus answered &
said: "If I tell you, ye will not believe me; and if I ask you
anything, ye will not answer me, nor will you let me go.  But
from this time forward I will be on the right side of God, my
Father." "Then sayest thou," they said, "That thou are Christ,
God's son?"  "So saith ye," said Jesus.  "For what reason,"
they said, "do we desire witnesses?  We have heard it from his
own mouth."

And then everyone arose up, and bound Jesus, and led him
to Pilate, who was Lord & Chief Administrator of the people
and Jurist under Caesar, and was pagan [i.e., a gentile].  &
they brought Jesus to him, but they did not enter into Pilate's
house, for they would be clean, that they might in the even-
ing eat the Paschal lamb.

And then Pilate went out to them, & asked them regarding
what thing they accused Jesus.  & they said that they found
him teaching & prohibiting the folk to give tribute to Caesar:
and he saith that he is God & king.  And then Pilate com-
manded that they should judge him themselves, according to
the usage of their Law.  And they answered him that they
could not put any man to death.  And then Pilate entered into
the house where he gave judgment, and called Jesus forth.

And Judas, when he saw that the Jews had condemned Jesus
to death, went & brought the thirty pense which the priests
had given him, and proffered it upon them, and said that he
had sinned in that he had betrayed this good man. And they
answered that he should see well to his own deed, but this
was nothing to them.  And Judas cast down their silver in the
Temple, and went forth, and hanged himself on an elder tree:
and his belly was cleft [i.e., completely split open], and all his
guts fell down at his feet.  And then the priests took the pense
[i.e., the silver coins], and said that they were not worthy for
to be included along with the other offerings; but, through
their council's deliberation, they bought therewith a potter's
field, to bury the bodies of dead strangers.  And so it was
foretold, for thus was it prophesied.
98.   How Jesus bore up from nine o'clock until it was
Then Jesus stood before Pilate who asked him whether he
were the King of the Jews.  And Jesus answered him and said
that his Kingdom was not of this world.  "I am come," he said,
"for to bare witness to the Truth."  And then Pilate asked him
"What was Truth?"  And immediately Pilate went out to the
Jews,and said to them that he found no cause in him for
which he should have him condemned.  And the Jews, each
and everyone, began to twist many things.  But Jesus answer-
ed neither them nor Pilate; who, however, marvelled greatly.

And the Jews claimed that he had troubled all the folk, and
stirred all of them up from the district of Galilee unto Jeru-
salem.  And when Pilate heard Galilee, he asked whether this
man were a Galilean.  & when that he knew that he was
under Herod's authority, he sent him again to Herod; for he
was by those day in Jerusalem.  And when Herod saw Jesus
he had great joy, for he had a great desire to have seen his
miracles.  And he asked him many things.  But Jesus answer-
ed him not a word.  And then Herod despised Jesus, as well
as all his men, and they clad him in a white cloth as if he had
been a fool, and sent him back again to Pilate.  And thereafter
they were in accord, Herod and Pilate, for before then they
had been enemies.

And then Pilate assembled the rulers and the masters [of the
Law] and all the folk, and said that inasmuch as he and Herod
could find no cause for condemning him, he would chastise
him and let him go free.

& with that all the folk besought Pilate that he would deliver
them a man who was condemned, as he was wont to do
every year in honor of the Feast.  And Pilate asked them
whether they would prefer having Jesus, or else Barabbas who
was a thief and for thievery and manslaughter [i.e., murder]
which he had done in the City was taken and placed in pris-
on.  And the folk, at the behest of the rulers and of the mas-
ters [i.e., the doctors of the Law], chose Barabbas.  And then
Pilate asked them what he should do with Jesus, for he found
no reason to condemn him.  And with upraised voices, the
Jews cried that he should have him done on a rood [i.e., im-
paled on a torture stake], and ceased not their crying.

And then Pilate commanded that Jesus be scourged.  And his
officers clad him in purple, and wrapped him in a mantle of
scarlet, and, instead of a crown, set a garland of thorns upon
his head and placed a reed in his hand, and knelt down be-
fore him, greeting him as a king, scratched him all about the
face, and smote him all about under the ear, and took the
reed and smote him upon the head.

And then Pilate led him so clad and crowned unto the Jews,
and said to them: "Look!  Here is your king."  And then they
all cried with one voice that he do him on a rood.  And Pi-
late told them that they should take him & do him on a cross,
for he found no cause with him.  And then the Jews answer-
ed, upon the usage of our Law he should be done to death,
for that he made himself God's son.  And when Pilate heard
that, he dreaded him much more, and returned to Jesus & ask-
ed him from whence he was come.  And Jesus answered him
no more.  "What!" said Pilate, "Will thou not answer me? 
Know thee not well that I have power to let thee go alive, or
to put thee on a cross?"  And then Jesus said he had no
power over him, but it were given him by one higher than
he.  And the Jews began to cry that if he let him go free, he
would not be Caesar's friend.  And then Pilate led Jesus to the
commons for to judge him, and said to the Jews: "Look!  Here
is your King."  And then cried they all, that he should do him
on a rood [i.e., that he should crucify him].  And Pilate asked
them if he should do their king on a rood.  And the Jews an-
swered and said that they had no king but Caesar.

And with that very word, Pilate's wife sent to him, and bade
that he should cease to involve himself with Jesus, the reason
being, she said that she had been in great travail that selfsame
day on account of a vision of Jesus.

And Pilate took water, and washed his hands there before all
the folk, and said: "I am clean of the blood of this righteous
man.  This see ye well [i.e., Take care of this matter your-
selves.]"  And they all answered: "His blood fall on us and on
our children."  And then Pilate released to them Barabbas,
and took them Jesus for to be scourged all according to their
own will, and that they should place him on a rood.  And the
heathen [i.e., the gentile] officers took him and led him within
the court, and assembled about him the entire company of
five hundred officers, and arrayed him in the manner of a
king as they had done beforehand, and laughed him to scorn,
and knelt before him, and greeted him with scorn [i.e., mock-
ingly] as a king, and scratched him amidst his visage [i.e.,
about his face], and smote him upon the head with a reed. 
And so then they unclad Jesus of the purple, and clad him
with his own clothes, and laid the cross upon his own shoul-
ders, and led him out of the City, and two others who were
condemned with him.

And as they went forth, so came there a strange man [i.e., a
foreigner] passing by the way, who was named Simon the
Leper.  And the Jews forcefully made him [i.e., compelled
him] to take the cross, and bare it upon his back after Jesus.
And there followed him a great press of folk, and many wo-
men who bewailed Jesus and lamented his death.  And Jesus
turned about and bade them not to weep for him, but for the
vengeance which the folk had deserved, and for the vengean-
ce which would fall upon them.
99.   How Jesus bore up from noon until mid-afternoon. 
And when they came upon the Mount of Calvary, then they
stripped Jesus and made him all naked, and put him upon the
cross.  And Jesus besought his father that he would forgive
them, for they knew not what they did.  And then they gave
him wine to drink mixed with myrrh & gall, and set it to
Jesus' mouth; but he would not drink it.  And then the Jews
hanged one thief upon one side, & another thief on the other

And so then did Pilate write on a board attached to the cross
in Hebrew, Greek, & Latin, that he was Jesus of Nazareth,
King of the Jews.  And many Jews read that writing, for this
was located nigh at hand to the City.  And they all cried to
Pilate and said: "Write that he said he was King of the Jews,
but not that he is King of the Jews."  And Pilate answered
them that these words were written, & would remain.  

And then the soldiers took and parted Jesus clothes in four
parts, and cast lots for them: but his kirtel [i.e., his outer tunic]
they said they would not rend, for it was sown all of one
piece, rather they would cast lots for it, to determine who
would have it whole. 

And so then they sat down and beheld how Jesus' mother and
John and Mary Clopas and Mary Magdalene went and stood
beside the cross of Jesus.  And then when Jesus saw his
mother and John, his disciple whom he loved so much, stand-
ing there, Jesus said to his mother: "Woman, look!  There is
thy son."  And so then he said to John: "Look, there is thy
mother."  And from that time forward John received her, and
kept her as his mother.   

And the Jews standing about, waiting to see what should be-
fall, then went before Jesus, and stood and shook their head
sat him, and scorned him, and bade him that he should save
himself, if he were God's son, and come down from the
cross; and reproached him for that which he had said that he
would destroy God's Temple and make it whole again in  
three days.  And the rulers & the masters [i.e., the doctors of
the Law] and the elders of the Law laughed at him & said:
"He hath others saved, and may he not save himself?"  And
then they all began to cry: "If thou be Christ, and rightful King
of Israel, come down from the rood tree, and we shall believe
in thee.  Thou who trusteth in God, now let him save thee if
he will, for thou sayest that thou art God's son."  And also the
soldiers scorned him, and told him if were King of the Jews
that he should save himself.   

And then one of the thieves told him that if he were Christ,
that he should save himself and them.  And the other thief re-
buked him and said: "Doubt not God.  For our wicked deeds
we have deserved this vile death: and Jesus never did but
good."  And then he besought Jesus that he would think of
him when he came into his Reign [i.e., his Kingdom]. And
Jesus answered him and said, that selfsame day he would be
with him in Paradise.  And then from noon to the height of
midday [i.e., mid-afternoon], the sun withdrew its light, and
it became as dark as night over all the land.
100.   How Jesus bore up from three o'clock until
              evening time.
At mid afternoon Jesus cried out with raised voice and wept
"Eli, Eli," and said this psalm of the Psalter, "Deus, Deus,
meus respice in me." [i.e., "My God, My God, why hast thou
forsaken me?"]  And then some who stood there said, that he
called, Eli, a man who lived amongst them in their bailiwick.
And Jesus, having thus fulfilled all the Scripture which was
said through prophecy of his passion, save that it was said
that he should drink vinegar, at which point Jesus said that he
had thirst.  And immediately one leapt up, and took a sponge,
and wet it in vinegar, and, adding hyssop thereto, placed it
upon a reed and put it to Jesus' mouth, and told him to prove
[i.e., to taste-test it] as to what it was.  And then as one body
the Jews tarried and waited to see whether Elijah would come
forth to deliver him.

And Jesus, when he had tasted the vinegar, said that all things
were fulfilled, and with raised voice began to cry and said:
"Father, into thine hands I betake my ghost [i.e., I commend
my spirit]."  And with those words he bowed his head down,
and gave up the ghost to God his father.

And with that the veil which hung in the Temple before the
high altar was torn into two pieces, and the earth quaked, and
the stones broke apart, and dead men arose out of their
graves.  And then the centurion, who was over an hundred
soldiers, who stood on both halves [i.e., on either side] so as
to behold Jesus, said, forsooth [i.e., of a truth] that Jesus was
righteous and God's son.  And all the soldiers had great dread
[i.e., they were awestruck]: on account of their having seen
fully how he died of his own good will.  And all the folk who
stood by and saw these marvels, knocked on their breasts [i.e.,
pounded their chests] as being culpable, and turned again
unto the City.  And his friends stood afar, and with them the
women who had followed him from Galilee unto Jerusalem,
and who saw all these things, and published them abroad.
101.   How Jesus was drawn after death.
So then the Jews came, for they did not want the dead bod-
ies hanging on the rood [i.e., the torture stake] so near unto
the City upon the Sabbath of the feast of Passover.  They
came to Pilate and besought him that he would let them
break their thighs, and let them be taken down.  And then the
soldiers came and broke the limbs of the thieves who hung
beside Jesus; but Jesus thighs they broke not, for they found
him all so starkly dead & cold: but a soldier smote him [i.e.,
struck him] with a spear to the heart, & forthwith out came
water & blood according as the Scripture said.

And then when it was evening time, a rich, noble baron, good
& righteous, came who had ten soldiers to his banner, and
who had not consented to the council & to the deeds of the
Jews; for he was secretly one of Jesus' disciples, for dread of
the Jews.  And he entreated [i,e., he negotiated] in haste on
account of the Sabbath, and came to Pilate and besought him
that he give him Jesus' body.  And now Pilate had great won-
der that Jesus was so soon dead, and sent to the officer in
charge who kept him, & told him that he should send him
tidings regarding whether Jesus were dead.  And he answered
and said, "Yea, it is true."  And then Pilate gave Jesus' body
to Joseph, and then Joseph went forth and took it down.

And with that came master [i.e., doctor of the Law] Nicode-
mus, who first came to Jesus by night, and brought with him
myrrh and incense and wormwood.  And Joseph brought a fine
winding sheet, new & clean, and placed the spices therein:
and afterward took another fair, new sheet, fine and clean,
and wound Jesus body therein, and that other over all about,
as rich Jews were accustomed to be buried.  

Now beside where Jesus was crucified there was a garden,
and in that garden a new cave had been made in the rock in
which no body had ever before been laid: but Joseph had had
it made for his own use.  And therein, for the Sabbath was
nigh, they laid Jesus' body, and rolled a great stone before the
entrance of the sepulcher.  And now was he long dead. 
Though it was not for this that the women had always
followed, they saw how Jesus body was buried.  And when
they were done [i.e., had finished helping], they returned again
unto the City.  

And so long as they were able to work before the Sabbath,
they went and bought a rich ointment which is called "aro-
matha" and they prepared all their ointment so as to come and
anoint Jesus' body with it: but upon the Sabbath they did no-

And upon the following day, the priests and the Pharisees
came to Pilate, and urged him to consider what Jesus had said
beforehand, that he should rise from death to life the third
day, & they sought of him to set a lookout on the body in the
sepulchre until the third day, that his disciples not come and
steal his body, and tell the folk that he was risen from the
death to life.  And Pilate answered them that they should go
and keep it as well as they could.  And the soldiers went forth
there armed, and sealed the stone that lay before its entrance.
102.   How Jesus arose from death to life and raised
              many other dead men with him.
Upon the morrow, as early as any man could worship, so the
Marys went and bought the aromatic ointments, for to come
& to anoint Jesus' body.  And Jesus Christ very early then, as
they came towards the sepulchre, was risen from death to life,
& many other dead men, who came and showed themselves
in the City.

And then there was a great earthquake, and an angel came
down from heaven and removed the stone from the sepul-
chre and sat thereon.  Now his appearance and visage were
as red as fire, & his clothes as white as snow.  And the watch-
ers who kept the sepulchre, so soon as they saw it, were all
abashed & fell down for fear, as if they had been dead.

Now the women as they went toward the sepulchre, had
asked who would help them, that the stone be moved from
the door of the monument.  And with that, as they looked
hither, they saw that the stone had already been removed
from the door's entrance.
103.   How Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene who
              was dear to him.
And Mary Magdalene, as soon as she saw the stone had been
removed, ran off and told Peter & John that Jesus' body had
been stolen away.  And then Peter & John immediately rose
up, and went to the Sepulchre.  But St. John came first to the
sepulchre, though he went not within: and he knelt down, &
saw naught but the sheet in which Jesus had been wound.
And when Peter came, he went in and kneeled down, and
saw the sheet & the girdle [i.e., the undergarment] which had
been about Jesus' body.  And then John entered and saw also,
and believed that the body had been borne away.  For they
did not know the scripture which said that it behooved Jesus
to arise from death to life, & so enter into his bliss.  & so they
went home. 

And then the women came towards the sepulchre in that gar-
den, and saw an angel sitting on the right side of the sepul-
chre, clad in a white robe.  And immediately they had great
dread.  And the angel said to them: "Have not dread [i.e., fear
not], but of a truth know that Jesus is risen from death to life,
as he said to you from the first."  And then the angel told
them that they should go and say to Peter as well as to the
other disciples that Jesus was arisen.  And then two angels
stood at their side, and showed them the napkin & the cloths,
& told them that they should think about [i.e., they should
ponder] what Jesus first said to them and warned them how
that it behooved him to suffer passion on the cross, and die,
and the third day arise from death to life.  At which point they
bethought them well [i.e., they reflected deeply] on Jesus'
words.  And then they left behind their sorrowful demeanor,
and went forth with great awe & great joy for to speak forth
to the apostles these good tidings. 

Meanwhile, as the angel showed them these things, so was
the Magdalene by the other side, and came to the sepulchre
and stood & wept.  And then she beheld, and saw two an-
gels in white clothing, one who sat at the head, & the other at
the feet.  & they asked her why she wept.  And she answered
& said on account of her Lord having been borne away and
she knew not where he was laid.  And with that the angels
arose to meet Jesus, who came and stood behind the Mag-
dalene.  And she turned herself about, and thought him to be
the gardener.  And then Jesus asked her why she wept, &
what she sought.  "Sir," she said, "if it be that thou hast borne
him away, tellest thou me where thou hast laid him and I
shall take him secretly and bear him away privately."  And
with that she turned herself towards the angels to have some
comfort.  And Jesus called her "Mary."  And then she knew
him by his voice, and she turned and fell down at his feet and
said, "Hail!  Sweet Sir."  And then Jesus bade her that she
should go and say to her brethren that he should ascend
to his father and to her father, and to his God & to her God
104.   How Jesus showed himself to the other women. 
And then as the other women went towards the apostles for
to tell them what the angel had said to them, and the Magda-
lene came and went with them, so came Jesus & greeted
them.  And they fell down at his feet and worshipped him,
and hailed him and kissed his feet.  And then Jesus bade them
that they should have no dread, but that they should go unto
Galilee to meet him, and there they would see him. 
105.   How the soldiers that kept watch at the sepul-
              chre took council as to what they would do.
Meanwhile, as the women went to the apostles, so came
those who had been watching the sepulchre, and went into
the City & told the rulers and the priests all that they had

And then all the elders of the folk assembled themselves to-
gether, and took their council as to what could be done, that
the resurrection of Jesus not be believed.  And then they gave
great treasure to the soldiers in order that they would say that
Jesus' disciples had come, and borne away his body whilst
that they slept: and they promised them that they would make
their peace with Pilate, that he might not be wrathful towards
them.  And the soldiers took the treasure, and told the folk all
they had been instructed to say: and so they made the folk to
understand from that day forward. 
106.   How the ladies showed the resurrection of Jesus
              Christ to his disciples.
When the ladies came to the apostles, they told how they had
seen the angels, and how Jesus was risen from death to life.
And they asked how they had seen this.  And some of them
answered & said how they saw an angel sitting, and some
said they had seen two angels standing: and so they believed
them not, but discounted their words as being but a trifle.
And then came the Magdalene with the other Marys who had
seen Jesus, and they found the apostles weeping and lament-
ing, and then they told them that which Jesus had sent them
to say. 
107.   How Jesus showed himself to Peter. 
And when Peter heard that they had seen Jesus he rose up
and went to the sepulchre.  And immediately Jesus showed
himself to Peter.  And then Peter returned and went to the
apostles, and said to them who were there, that he had seen
Jesus and that of a truth he was arisen from death to life.  
108.   How Jesus showed himself to Cleopas & to Luke
              his fellow, as they were going by the way.
Now it came to pass on the morning of that selfsame day,
after when the women who had seen the angels had come to
the apostles, and after Peter and John had returned from the
sepulchre, that two disciples who had been with Jesus went
out of the town of Jerusalem toward a village that is called
Emmaus, which was eight miles and a half from Jerusalem.
And as they went by the way, they spoke of many things that
betided of [i.e., which pertained to] Jesus.  And as they went,
speaking and lamenting the things which had transpired, so
came Jesus right immediately overtaking them along the way:
and they knew him not but as a stranger.

And Jesus asked them of what things did they speak as they
walked, and why were they so sorrowful.  And the one who
answered was called Cleopas, and said that he marvelled that
he knew not of that which had come to pass during the feast
in Jerusalem.  And Jesus asked what that was.  And they said,
of Jesus of Nazareth, who was so noble a man of God, both
in word & in deed, and this before all the folk: and how the
rulers and the priests had condemned him & did him to a
stake of impalement.  "And we thought that he had been
Christ and have overcome all.  And now it is the third day
since this was done.  But one of our women hath made us
afraid, because at morn this very day she was at the sepul-
cher, and found not his body, but said that she saw two
angels who said that he was alive.  And some of our fellows
went thither and found it as  the women had said.  But him
they found not."

And then Jesus said: "Oh!  Ye fools, reckless and unbelieving,
that ye believe not that which the prophets have spoken.  Be-
hooved it not that Jesus suffered passion, and in that manner
enter into his glory?"  And he began to show them through
the Law and through the Prophets, that it should so betide.  

And afterwards they drew nigh unto Emmaus.  And Jesus then
said that he would wend his way further than that village. 
And with strength of prayer and by pointing out that it was
nearly evening, they compelled him to dwell there.  And
Jesus billeted with them, and entered into its inn.  And as he
stayed with them at supper he took the bread and broke it,
and blessed it, and gave it to them.  And as soon as he did
so, they knew him: and immediately he vanished from them.
And they said one to the other: "Did not our hearts burn
within us whilst he spoke with us along the way as we were
going, discussing scripture?"  And immediately they rose up
and returned to Jerusalem, and found the twelve apostles and
others who were with them.  And they told them that Jesus
was risen from death to life for certain; and also he had
shown himself to Peter.  And they spoke how Jesus appeared
to them along the way, and how they knew Jesus by the
bread that he broke.  But Thomas and the others who sat there
believed it not: and with that Thomas and others went out,
and spoke there as to how this could be.  
109.  How that Jesus showed himself to the ten
             apostles that selfsame day.
And that selfsame day at evening time, when the gates were
barred, the disciples were assembled for dread of the Jews;
and seated together speaking about how Jesus had shown
himself unto some, right then Jesus came and stood among
them and said: "Peace be among you.  It is I.  Have no fear."
And they were all aghast, and thought it had been a ghost
which they were seeing there.  And Jesus most graciously
comforted them, and showed them his feet and his hand and
his side, and bade them handle and look that he had both
flesh and blood, which no ghost had.  And yet for joy and for
great marvel they could not believe that it was he.  And then
Jesus asked them if they had any food.  And they showed him
a piece of roasted fish and a little honey, and Jesus took it,
and ate it before them all, and gave them his leftovers.

And then he said to them another time: "Peace be with you.
As my father sent me, so send I you."  And when he had so
spoke, then alighted the Holy Ghost within them.  And he
said: "Receive the Holy Ghost.  The sins that ye shall forgive,
shall be forgiven."  And so then he rehearsed the words he
spoke to them before in Galilee, that it behooved them to so
suffer pain & passion, and fulfill the prophecies.  And after-
wards he gave them understanding of the Holy Scripture: and
said that it behooved them to preach repentance over all the 
world in his name, but first in Jerusalem, to provide a testi-
mony to his passion and his resurrection; for they were to re-
main there in the City in peace until he sent to them the Holy
Spirit from heaven, who would give them the power needed
to do it.

Now it was that Thomas was not with the apostles when Je-
sus showed himself to them, but when he returned to them
they told him all about how Jesus revealed himself.  And
Thomas answered and said he would never believe it, al-
though he himself saw him, except if he saw his wounds
and his hands, and put his fingers in his side. 
110.   How that Jesus revealed himself to Thomas & to
              all the other apostles together.
On the eighth day the apostles were enclosed together where
they had been before for dread of the Jews, and Thomas was
with them.  And then came Jesus and stood amongst them &
said: "Peace be among you."  And then he said to Thomas
that he should put his fingers in the wound where the nails
stood, and in the side where the spear had pierced him; and
he bade him to be no more unbelieving.  And when he had
done so, he said: "Thou art my God and my Lord."  Jesus
said, "Yea, Thomas, thou hast proved it, now therefore thou
believest it.  But blessed be those who never proved it, yet
believe it steadfastly.

Many other tokens [i.e., signs] Jesus did before his disciples
which are not written in the Gospel.  And also there was the
time when he showed himself to five hundred men together.
111.   How Jesus showed himself to the eleven
              apostles on a mountain.
So then Jesus commanded the eleven apostles that they
should wend their way unto Galilee, upon the mountain
where he was wont to preach to them: and he would come
thither to them.  And when they came there, they found Jesus
again.  And some who saw him worshipped him; and some
were afraid.  And then Jesus came to them and said that all
power in heaven and in earth was given him.  And he com-
manded them that they go over all the world to preach, and
that they baptize men in the name of the Father and the Son
& Holy Ghost, and that they teach them all the things that
they had learned: and also he promised them that he would
be with them for evermore unto the end of the world.    
112.  How Jesus showed himself by the sea of Tiberias.
Afterwards, in this manner, Jesus showed himself to Peter and
to Thomas and to Nathaniel and to James and to John, his
brother, and to the other disciples by the Sea of Tiberias.
They went all the night and fished and travailed and took
nothing.  And upon the morrow [i.e., at dawn] Jesus stood
upon the beach, and asked them if they had any fish.  And
they said "Nay."  Now they knew not that it was Jesus.  And
then Jesus bade them let down their nets on the right half,
and they should find.  And they did so.  And immediately the
net was so full that they could not draw it in.  And then John
said to Peter that it was Jesus who spake to them.  And Peter
cast on his kirtel [i.e., an outer covering], for he was wet and
naked, and went towards land.  And the others remained in
the ship and sailed it toward the land.  And when they came
upon the land, they saw the fish roasting upon the coals, and
bread lying there besides.  And then Jesus told them that they
should bring of the fish which they had then taken.  And
Peter went and drew the net to land full of large fish which
they had just taken, that were an hundred and three and fifty:
and yet for that the net broke not, although there were so
many and large.  And then Jesus bade them come and eat.
And they went and set themselves down.  And Jesus came
and gave them bread and fish.  And none of them asked him
whom he was, for they well knew that it was Jesus, their

And when they had eaten, Jesus asked Peter if he loved him
more than any of the others loved him.  And Peter said that
he knew well that he loved him.  And Jesus bade him go and
feed his lambs.  And again Jesus asked him whether he loved
him aught.  And he said that he well knew that he loved him.
And the third time Jesus asked if he loved him aught.  And
then was Peter abashed for Jesus asked three times if he loved
him aught.  And Peter answered & said that he knew all
things, and he knew well that he loved.  And then Jesus bade
him that he should feed his sheep.  And he said to him that
when he was younger he girded himself & went where he
liked, and when he was elderly he would stretch out his arms
& men would gird him and lead him where he did not want
to go - And that he said in token [i.e., signifying] that he
would be spread & tortured & done on a cross for God's love.

And when he had spoken so, he arose up and went forth; and
Peter followed him.  And when they returned again, he saw
John come after them, and asked Jesus what John should do. 
And Jesus said to him that if he should remain until he come
again, "what is that to thee?"  And then began the other
disciples to speak among themselves and said that John would
not die.  But Jesus had not said that John would not die,
rather that he could wish that he were to remain until he
came again.
113.   How Jesus showed himself twice to his disciples.
So then the disciples returned unto Jerusalem and they as-
sembled in the Upper Room where Jesus had made his Last
Supper, on the fortieth day after his resurrection.  And as they
sat at the meal Jesus showed himself to them, and set himself
to the meal with them, and reproved them that they had not
believed that which they had seen, that he was risen from
death to life.  And he bade them go and preach the Gospel
[i.e., the good tidings] over all the world to all the folk.  And
he said to them that those who believed it & were baptized
would be saved, and that those who believed it not would be
condemned.  And those who believed would be able to chase
out fiends, he said, in his name; and that they would be able
to speak the language which they had never learned, and that
they would be able to handle adders and bare them without
harm, and though they drink poisoned drink it would not
grieve them, and if they touch the sick [i.e., by the laying on
of hands] they will be healed.

And so then Jesus told them to abide in Jerusalem [until the
Holy Ghost is sent by him] to comfort them, even as he had
promised them.  For John the Baptist, he said, baptized in
water, but they would be baptized in the Holy Ghost from
that day forwards.

And then Jesus told them that they were to gather all the
disciples who lived thereabout, men and women, and that all
of them were to go meet him on the Mount of Olives: for the
eleven lived in the great soleer [i.e., the Upper Room where
he had made his Last Supper, and the other disciples lived all
about in other houses nearby on that side of the City which
was called Mount Zion.  And forthwith they went, and
assembled all of Jesus' disciples together, men and women,
and went them out of the City to the Mount of Olives in

And then Jesus came and showed himself to them.  And they
asked him whether he would restore the Kingdom of Israel,
and do away with the alien king, and Pilate, Caesar's steward,
and himself reign, or else establish the kindred of David.  And
then Jesus answered and said that it was not for them to know
the time which his father had ordered according to his will.
"But ye shall," he said, "receive the virtue of the Holy Ghost,
who shall descend within you.  And ye shall, before that time
come, be witnesses of my words & of my deeds and of my
resurrection in Jerusalem, and in Judea, & in Samaria, even
unto the ends of the world."

And Jesus, when he had so spoke, lifted up his hand & bless-
ed them everyone.  And when he had blessed them, he kissed
them all one by one: being amongst them seeing each one
off, he ascended up to heaven, with two angels on either side
of him.  And they all stood and beheld him, looking upward:
and then came a light-filled cloud and took him up from
them.  And as they all stood looking on high, so came two
angels in white dress and stood beside them, and asked them
why they stood so and looked on high toward heaven.  And
he said to them, as he was taken up to heaven, also shall he
come another time descending to the judgment.

And then they thanked God, and knew well that Jesus was
gone to sit on his father's right hand.  And then they returned
them again unto Jerusalem with great joy, and entered into
the soleer [i.e., the Upper Room] where the apostles lived. 
And there they were steadfast in prayers with Mary, Jesus'
mother, and with other ladies and Jesus' cousins, even until
that day that the Holy Ghost came to them at the time of
morning prayers, and alighted within them, and gave them
wit, and wisdom, and understanding of languages, and
hardiness to preach the Faith everywhere. 

And then they went into the Temple, and stood there thank-
ing God until they were driven out by the Jews from Judea.
And the twelfth year after the ascension of Jesus Christ, when
James was beheaded, and Peter imprisoned, then each went
his way over all the world, and preached to pagans and to
Jews.  And the Holy Ghost directed them, & taught, and con-
firmed their message through miracles which Jesus did for


Here ends one hundred and six chapters, excepting those [seven] about the passion of Jesus Christ.